It sounded like nothing other than a threat. I watched the exchange closely.
It looked like Benjamin was no longer his father’s prize anymore that he was coming up in the ranks and taking over the family business. Or was he ever?
I guess having an omega purchased for you outright because he liked the way I smelled runaway didn’t exactly show his great decision-making skills. Child or not, I doubted Alpha Davinson Sr. liked that.
“Did you hear that?” asked Ben. “You are not going to make a fool out of us tonight. It’s done. Over. Anything you thought about your ridiculous life when you ran away is over. Think of it as one of your silly little daydreams and we can move on the moment we are called to that stage and I claim you as mine. Is that clear?”
I stared at him.
Honestly, out of all the plans I once had. I was all out of them. At least for now. I needed to get out of the academy and safe, away from Omega Services and everyone. I could survive until then. Then, I’d reassess.
“Crystal clear.”
He reached for another drink that was replenished on the table. “Better fucking be.”
Was that worry in his voice?
Sitting at the table, people were dancing, but the stage was set up where they would announce the alphas soon and who they’d be claiming. Everything was so elegant and perfectly planned. I wondered if it was like this every year with the food that my mouth watered for and the decorations hanging from chandeliers and in every corner–
I swung my head back around towards the spot I was just looking at, my hair catching on my one dangly earring as I stared towards the potted plant across the room with wide eyes.
Was that?I stared at the spot where I thought I saw him.
No. It couldn’t be. He wouldn’t be here even if Demetri was. This was an alpha and omega event. But I swore I just saw… I was certain I just saw…
I swore I just saw Cal with his roguish grin and easy slouch, always leaning against walls or chairs wherever he went.
“What are you looking at?” Benjamin took a look across the room before continuing his trajectory across the choosing ceremony room. He tugged me along.
I tripped over my shoes but didn’t falter more than that. I let him pull me towards wherever he wanted me.
“Nothing,” I said.
Because there was nothing, even as my mind spun with the insanity of even my brain playing tricks on me like that.
No one was there.
My skin felt tight and itchy. My throat was dry.
Yet, when Benjamin whispered in my ear a threat not to dare wander off from him again before scraping his sharp canines over my neck in a way that should’ve made any omega cry out with glee?—
I wanted to vomit.
If only it was the winter holiday. I’d look more festive in red and green.
“You are not going to embarrass me,” he warned. “It’s over. You’re mine now, Elena. At last, one might say. Once and for all.”
He sounded as if he was going completely insane.
“Be happy. Smile. Everyone expects you to.” He nearly shook me, making me want to be sick all over again.
“Smile,” he insisted.
I forced a small one.
“A hundred girls want to be you right now, you must be aware.”