I stared at him and before I could think of saying anything– he was threatening everyone including Lucas– his hand gripped the back of my neck, pressing me closer to him until I was nearly face down on the floor in a submissive pose.
“Let’s try again. Did you forget?”
“I didn’t think so. Let’s not forget again. Now what are you going to do at the choosing ceremony?”
“Wear the dress you get me.”
This one I knew by heart by now. “Not embarrass you.”
“Good girl,” he said, though it didn’t ring at all sweet. “Do we understand each other?”
Not answering, I nodded, feeling my breath against the hardwood.
My heart felt heavy as lead. I could hear every beat it made, pounding in my chest all the way back to the academy. Even Jessica looked concerned back at me a few times, trying to make small talk I didn’t return.
“It must feel nice, however, to get out of the academy. Though of course, it was an unusual situation for a courting date traditionally,” she mused.
I glared at her. “Stop.”
“I’m just…”
“No,” I said. “Jessica, you’re just trying to make yourself feel better and keep liking your job. I get it. That’s fine. But just be quiet.”
She remained silent. “I heard what he said to you. In the house, I was listening.”
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit shocked.
“You knew him before?”
“I told you,” I said. “Some of us don’t get a choice. Mine was made when I was barely fifteen.”
“He beat you.”
I stared at Jessica, waiting for more. “And?”
“And?” She gasped as if startled by my answer. It was as if she was hoping that I was going to deny it.
“And…” I led on, continuing. “Would you like to hear the rest of what he’s done to me as well?”
She didn’t answer so I plowed ahead. I was miserable and confused and frustrated, and you know what? Misery really did love company.
“They paid for me. Like I was a prize cow or no better than some stray on the street. They promised me food, housing, and clothes which my family couldn’t provide me because we were desperate and then they kept me away from the world and from the sun and from my brother who was trying to keep me safe and thought we had everything under control.”
“They beat me when I misbehaved and wasn’t a “proper” omega. They made me watch them to know how to “properly” please them when I finally went into my first heat. They made me run for my life while I was in it and suffer through it alone because I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted to suffer with them. They were the ones that made me live my life in hiding afterward because when I went to an Omega Haven, they only called them back up to come and get me like I was a lost animal. But I made it out even though it was hard. I somehow was doing ok for the past six years without anyone including Omega Services watching out for me.”