“There’s no need.”
Jessica cocked her head. “It’s protocol.”
"I am aware," Benjamin's response was curt, leaving no room for argument as he led the way down the dimly lit corridor.
I fell into step beside him, acutely aware of Jessica's presence trailing behind us.
I stole a glance at Jessica, but her expression was unreadable as she maintained a professional demeanor.
Were they going to let this alpha take me somewhere when he acted like this?
Were they really going to let him take me?
I had a feeling I already knew that answer.
As we reached the entrance hall of the academy, Benjamin's pace quickened, his long strides forcing me to almost jog to keep up. The cool air hit me like a balm, a stark contrast to the heated turmoil swirling within me.
His driver opened up the car door as I was ushered inside, and then, when we passed the gates of the academy, I expected to feel relief that I was finally out from behind its walls.
But I didn’t.
All I felt was dread.
The front door of the large home shut heavily behind the three of us. Jessica moved towards one side of the room, leaving us to have space, though her face remained pinched.
I was left to follow along, after Benjamin as he snapped his fingers at me to keep up like I was a dog until I was led into a den area with books surrounding an old-fashioned fireplace, though it didn’t appear to be used in years.
But you know what? I followed. I guess that’s on me.
“What is this place?” I asked.
“My home,” he answered with a scoff.
I blinked, looking around at every detail, trying to see if I’d seen any of it before.
“You still think I would stay back on the family compound when I grew old enough to handle myself?” he asked. “This was always the plan. And now you’re here to complete it.”
“You could have any omega,” I said, trying to keep the distaste that for some reason he still chose to torment me, out of my voice.
He didn’t seem to be looking enough to care. “I could.”
“Then why me?” I asked.
“Because you’re mine,” he said, a dangerous edge to his tone, turning back to face me. “You were mine and have always been mine since I first laid eyes on you. And that’s it.”
“That’s it.”
He rolled his eyes. “And what else would there be?”
“But it’s not like…” I drifted off.
“Like what?”
“Like we’re scent matches or something,” I finally said.
The corner of his lip curved. “Ah, poor Elena. You still believe in the fairytales?”
I was pretty sure that I almost lived one. I technically still could with Lucas which was crazier still. To have one scent match was one thing, but two?