But I thought I had. I thought I was. It would be fine in the end. We’d be alright.
I spent the next few hours trying to make sense of what had just happened.
The weight of Liam's disappointment and Marko's warning bore down on me, suffocating me with guilt.
How did everything spiral out of control so quickly? I was supposed to be the leader, the one who made the tough decisions for the pack. But now, standing alone in the clearing where it all went down, I felt like a lost pup.
The sound of footsteps approaching pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to see the pack members slowly emerging from the trees, their eyes filled with a mix of anger and confusion.
They didn't trust me anymore, that much was clear.
"We need to talk," Liam said, his voice cold and distant.
I followed him to the edge of the clearing where the rest of the pack gathered. No one spoke for a long moment, the tension thick in the air.
Finally, Liam broke the silence. "You decided without consulting any of us. You put your desires above the welfare of the pack."
"I thought I was doing what was best for us," I tried to explain, but my voice faltered under their accusing stares.
Marko stepped forward, his expression pained. "You don't get it, do you? You've shattered our trust in you. So either tell us what is going on right now, every bit of whatever plan you have or don’t have, or…”
“Going to give me an ultimatum like Liam?”
“You’d deserve it,” he said. “Don’t you think we’ve trusted enough? Waited enough? Don’t you think Ella has?”
I sighed. I would. I did.
I nodded. “Gather everyone up. Pack meeting.”
Marko nodded once, and we headed back to the house.
Just when I figured maybe it would be best just to dig myself a hole in the mud and die there against the Omega Academy residence hallways. I could only stand being inside for approximately three minutes after Jessica dropped me off before everything felt too close. Too claustrophobic. Toomuch.
I wandered outside to feel cold air press against my cheeks when the rest of me felt overly stifling, I caught someone I was pretty sure none of the guards noticed, hiding in the bushes.
“Lucas?” My eyes widened at the sight of him.
He rushed towards me.
“What are you doing out here?”
“You’re crying.”
I shook my head like I was going to deny it. But, what was the point? “That didn’t answer my question.”
Using the backs of my firsts, I swiped at my face. I had given up any pretense of being fully together and strong, but I didn’t want him to see him like this. God, I didn’t even want to see myself like this. I didn’t want to see myself like any of this anymore.
Who even was I? I felt like the woman I had become had all been thrown out the window and now I was back to being a simpering omega who had no idea what she was doing.
I always knew what I should do.
I never felt more lost.