As I listened to other omegas’ discussions about outfits and strategies to catch an alpha's eye as they started to go on dates, I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a game I never wanted to play.
No. I had to start thinking better. I had to start thinking like a true omega to get out of this because thinking like a beta or evenan omega pretending to be a beta trying to come to terms with being once and for all the only person she ever was—was doing me no favors.
Slowly, I began to remember all the lessons. Not just the ones from the academy, but from home.
From the Davinsons.
My brother, Peter, taught me with heavy delight in his eyes when we thought we had the entire world figured out with my designation like the perfect diagnose to life.
“Fake it till you make it, sis. We’re going to be alright. You hear?”He’d smile.“We’re going to be amazing. Better than ever.”
I had to believe that again.
“You don’t seem fully like yourself today.”
I looked up to meet Lucas’s green eyes.
I’d been looking into them for a few weeks now every other day as we got to know each other more and more and the professors started to phone in checking in with us to complete our worksheets to just letting us chat.
In the end, oddly enough, these hours every day were what I most enjoyed. Little pieces of time in the dim lighting of the classroom, just getting to talk to someone like a normal person.
Lucas rolled my hand in his and I breathed in a thick gulp of his maple syrup scent.
“You seem like you are building walls in your brain,” said Lucas. “Focused on something.”
“Kind of.”
“Tell me what you’re thinking of?” He asked.
I shook my head. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“About how to navigate this courting season,” I admitted, surprising myself with my honesty.
Lucas raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“Courting season… it sounds like quite the ordeal,” he commented, leaning back in his chair. “You never told me how the other day went.”
I noted his minor cringe. He mentioned more than once how he wished that he would be courting with me this year like a few of the other alphas. But he still had one more year of school and then…
Well, most alphas waited until they were older and well-established before settling down.
“It went fine.”
“Are you going on dates?” he asked. When I gave him a look, he rolled his eyes. “I hear people talking about everything. I’m not stupid.”
“No. I’m… I’m not going on dates.”
Not even Benjamin would. I mean, I didn’t think so. What would be the point? Benjamin was likely not someone to waste time or resources on those kinds of pretenses. I wondered what he would say at some point if he did just sweep me away at the end of all of this. That we fell in love suddenly? That courting felt like nothing to us when he saw me and knew he had to have me.
Or maybe he’d lock me away forever never to be spoken of as anything other than “his omega.”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not how it works.”