Still, Jessica waited. And I… I suddenly felt parched even though I was certain I drank probably a quart of lemonade this afternoon. Could I fake that I really had to pee and run right now?
I swallowed, knowing that maybe with Jessica, I could buy Ben… If I tried to escape this now, there was only punishment waiting to happen. So it was a choice.
I could choose this pain now so that I could stay at the academy longer, or for Benjamin to pull the funding to me being here and just taking me immediately, pretenses of class and formality be damned.
I was surprised he was still even putting up with them. Maybe it was his father who was making him.
“It’s fine,” I spoke up. “You can sit.”
With a roll of his eyes so small I knew that Jessica hadn’t seen it, Benjamin sat down in front of me. “Well, well, Omega Elena. How good it is to see you again.”
“Oh,” Jessica spoke up much to Ben’s irritation. “You two know each other?”
“Yes,” I said softly.
Benjamin agreed. “Very well in fact. I’m looking forward to getting to court Elena this season as we are both finally appearing to be on the search for our other halves. And it looks like I finally found mine after what has it been Elena? At least six years?”
Someone made an announcement back towards the center of the path and field as a final call for courting.
Jessica stood up to listen before turning back to us. “Unfortunately, we do have to get going for the day. It was good of you to stop by and properly introduce yourself to Omega Elena, Alpha Davinson.”
“Of course.” His green eyes crinkled and I swore I could smell his acidic scent grow even deeper as I stood up and promptly tripped–right over his legs.
He had just tripped me, and now, his arm had grasped mine as if saving me and pulling me against him.
“Oh gosh, aren’t you clumsy,” he said, lips against my ear. “You better remember who you are, Elena. Already today you’ve shown me what a disgrace you have become. Maybe you’ll need a few more lessons on how to be proper again once we get out of this place. Won’t we?”
My lips parted, but no sound came out.
Like thelessonsI was once subjected to by him and his father when they were feeling particularly giving. Lessons where he made me watch him with other women and lessons that involved his hands on me in much worse ways than this.
“Hmm,” he breathed me in. “Looks like I might not have to wait long to break you in either into shape, Elena.”
I felt a cool hand on my elbow.
“Are you alright, Omega Elena?” Jessica asked, helping me to my feet and away from Ben. “There you are. No scuffs?”
I shook my head.
“Again, it was a pleasure, Alpha Davinson.”
He nodded, turning to walk away, but not before one more pointed look towards me.
Jessica didn’t speak until we were almost halfway back to the residence hall. “You’ve already met Alpha Davinson?”
I paused, then nodded. “We are acquainted.” I looked at Jessica again, seeing just how much of her question was honest.
Did she really not know what was going on here? With me being here? The rest of the upper staff of the academy did so I just assumed that she did as well.
“Well,” Jessica took a deep breath. “It was a long day, but I must say, I’m very proud of you.”
She was proud of me?
“You introduced yourself to some find alphas and I think the first one, Alpha Anderson seemed like a good fit. I can help you set up some courting dates if you are interested.”