
“No, I… I worked before I came here.”

“You must’ve been living in a much more…” he sought the right word. “Open area.”

As a beta? “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“What were you working as?” Alpha Anderson asked.

“I worked in a library, actually,” I told him. “Mostly away from everyone in the basement. I did a lot of archive projects. They were my favorite.”


I nodded.

“Why is that?” he asked, resting his chin on his first as if genuinely interested.

No one had ever asked me that before.

“Oh. I guess… I liked the history and the details of it all. I love to read too, though I don’t get to do as much as I used to, and making sure that everything was in its proper order and made sense required a lot of reading. Or at least it did for me. I sometimes got a bit distracted by all the stories.” I smiled, thinking about it. Working at Prestford University Library felt like an entirely different life.

“I like to read as well.”

“What do you like to read.”

At that, Alpha Anderson– Issac– hesitated.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m debating if I should be honest.”

I barked a laugh. He grinned at the sound as I quickly contained myself. It was odd, how easy our conversation was. “What? Are you one of those people who know their favorite book but always have a more appropriate classic at the ready to say so people are impressed.”

His smile was almost infectious with hose his cheeks produced thick creases, as if he must’ve smiled and laughed often. “Yes.”

“Give me them both then,” I said.

“Is that an order?” He raised his eyebrows.

At that, I paused, and opening my mouth I hesitated. “Oh, I’m…”

“No no. I’m sorry, I was teasing,” he quickly said. “I apologize if that didn’t come out correctly.”

I shook my head.

“I have a feeling that you have a bit more of a story beyond working in a library on how you got here, huh?” he asked.

“Sort of.”

“Hm,” he intoned. Was this where he got up and walked away? It would probably be a good place. “Well, for now, if I tell you my actual favorite book, you have to tell me yours. Fair?”

Oh. Shock pulsed in my chest. “Yeah, ok.”

“Ok. Should we do it at the same time?”

I nodded.

“Good,” he said. “One… two…”