Out of all the omegas, I was probably the least like any she had met before. But it seemed that she was okay with that. She respected that boundary.
Jessica cleared her throat. “I will be checking in,” she said. “You have my card?”
I blinked before I nodded. It was somewhere in the duffle bag that I was packed with essentials. A card with some woman’s detailed contact information. It sounded so mundane in this mess I was in now. It also felt extremely unhelpful.
Because no matter what anyone thought here. No one was helping me. Now that I was an omega, that is all they saw me as. And omegas were seen as no more trustworthy of their thoughts and feelings than a child.
I bit the inside of my cheek.
“Good. Make sure that if you need anything you reach out to us.” With a nod, as if unsure if she was forgetting anything both of the older women left the room. The door shut with a click.
The moment the door shut, Lidya flew towards me, reaching for my hands the way she did in her alpha’s office that day in the library.
I let her take them just the same.
Her warm, concern-filled eyes were wide with shock as she whispered, harshly. “What are you doing here?”
I shook my head enough that she pulled back further. “I’m not supposed to be here.”
“Well no shit,” she said, a hint of laughter in her voice, though her eyes were still wide, not fully understanding.
I swallowed.
“Tell me everything.”
Could I tell her everything? At this point, everything I did and said was being used against me, but at this point, I felt like I was about to crumble under the horror and pressure of everything falling apart around me and nothing staying the same which sent my heart into a race where it wasn’t competing against anything but itself. It hurt.
And now that I was left alone in a room with only Lidya standing in front of me as a piece of the big life I left behind andthe smaller one that still felt like a precious dream, it hurt even worse. It was as if I was being split in two.
So I told her.
I told her everything. I told her that in the past twenty-four hours, I had been put through hell. By the end of it all, I almost didn’t have any air left in my lungs from how I had been heaving the heavy words out. I swallowed, having to take my tears with heavy movement.
“What about the Prestfords? I thought they were yours. I thought you were going to be bonded and everything to them. Omega Services can’t just tear an omega away from her back,” she snapped, aghast. “Omegas go crazy beyond repair for much less, especially considering.”
“Considering what?”
“I don’t want to say this if you didn’t know, Ella but…”
“But what?”
“You look like you may be going into heat soon,” Lidya said. Her voice now took a more soft and soothing tone.
I shook my head again. “I know. But I’m not going to.”
“Not without them.”
“Oh,” she said with more understanding. As if we both knew that I wouldn’t be able to starve my heat off when it finally came to ruin my entire life all over again and there would be no chance I couldn’t be just a pretend beta anymore.
It was truly the last straw of any of my pretend life left far behind oddly.
Because betas didn't’ have heats.
“They wouldn’t listen to me,” I said.
“This is insane.”