Page 48 of Passionate Hearts

“Did you get it?” Mel asked.

Brianna loved that there was a note of obvious excitement in Mel’s voice.

“I did.”

“Well, get over here. I want to see it and talk about everything you have planned for the night.”

“I’ll be there in ten.”

There was no way to oversell how wonderful it was to have people in her life that were just as excited about her good news as Brianna was. There was no hint of competition in her friendship with Mel. There was no gossiping behind her back. She was sure that there was times Mel talked to Willow about what was discussed, but that was to be expected. Mel was an amazing friend, and Brianna was lucky to have her.

Brianna knocked once before typing in the door code and walking inside Mel’s home. Mel was in the kitchen, but she ran out when she heard Brianna come in. Sushi and Mase were a bundle of excitement. Both dogs wriggled and squirmed until Brianna bent down to pet them.

“Okay, let’s see it,” Mel laughed.

Brianna pulled out the ring box and handed it to Mel. She watched as her friend’s eyes widened. The ring was a two-carat princess cut diamond with a gold band.

“Friend, you did good.”

“You think so?” Brianna felt herself blush a little.

She had never been good at picking out jewelry. Even this choice had relied heavily on things she’d heard River say over the course of their relationship.

“What made you want to propose now?” Mel asked.

“Well, everything has just fallen into place. We’ve already lived together first as roommates and now as a couple. I get along really well with her family. Her parents are more excited about the proposal than I am. Everything inside of me is telling me that she’s the one, why wait?”

“I love that. I agree. I’ve never seen you be with a woman who made you this happy before. The two of you had a rough start maybe but since you’ve been together it seems to be smooth sailing.”

“I think so, too. River is my person, and I’m hers. I don’t want to wait. I want to marry her and live out the rest of our lives together.”

“That sounds perfect. What’s your plan for tonight?” Mel asked.

“I’m thinking that I would love to do a fancy dinner at home. Then eat by the fireplace and propose.”

“Very cozy. I feel like it fits the two of you very well.”

“I think so, too.”

Brianna felt an intense peacefulness settle over her. There had never been anything more right in her life than her relationship with River. Everything about it felt exactly right.

“Shit. If you’re doing a fancy set up you better get home,” Mel laughed.

Brianna checked the time and gave a chuckle.

“You’re right. I need to get going.”

Brianna ordered a fancy dinner from a local place as she was stopped at a light. The food was waiting by her front door when she arrived. River should be home in less than thirty minutes, which gave Brianna a chance to take a shower. The food went on the stove and Brianna stripped off her clothes all the way to the bathroom.

The hot water felt delightful on her skin. Brianna usually took baths, but tonight there was no time. She was pretty sure she heard the front door open and shut. River was a bit ahead of schedule. When Brianna had decided to propose today, she’d enlisted the help of Willow. River worked from home and so did Willow. Brianna’s plan had been simple: have Willow convince River to go on a girl’s shopping trip. Willow had been more than happy to be a part of Brianna’s plan. This had gotten River out of the house for a while.

The door to the bathroom opened. She heard River getting undressed and smiled. This hadn’t been part of her plan,but Brianna certainly wasn’t complaining. River stepped inside the shower. Seeing River naked, still did things to Brianna.

“How did you find me,” Brianna teased.

“I followed the path of discarded clothing,” River laughed.

“I really was going to pick those up when I was done. How was your day? Any good finds?” Brianna asked.