Page 47 of Passionate Hearts

River squeezed Brianna’s hand, hoping that the woman could sense how true her words were. Brianna tightened her grip, reaffirming that they both felt the same way.

“Listen, I need you to know that from now on, you will always be my choice. No one has ever loved me the way that you have. No one has ever showed up for me the way you show up for me. I want to spend the rest of my life showing up for you in the same way.”

River’s voice cracked with emotion as she spoke.

“I feel the same way. You are it for me. I want to spend every day for the rest of my life with you by my side. The time we’ve spent together has been the best time of my life, I feel so lucky to have found you,” Brianna smiled.

“Me, too. Like I said, you’re my person.”

River leaned in, kissing Brianna on the cheek.

“You’re my person, too.”

Brianna’s lips found River’s. She pulled River in for a soft kiss. The front door opened, and Willow stuck her head through the doorway.

“So, how are we feeling?” Willow asked.

“We feel good about it,” River responded with a laugh.

“Very good about it,” Brianna reaffirmed.

“Great. Mel’s making pasta for dinner. She wants to know if the two of you are staying?” Willow blushed.

“If she wants to feed us, we’re definitely staying,” River laughed.

“We never turn down good food,” Brianna added.

“Great. Come on in whenever you’re ready.”

Willow stepped back inside and closed the door, leaving River and Brianna alone again.

“We have the best friends,” Brianna stated.

“We really do,” River laughed.

“Do we want to go inside?” Brianna asked.

“I think we want to stay out here for another ten minutes,” River grinned.

“That’s oddly specific. Can I ask why?”

“Because that way we can make out through sunset.”

“Who knew you were such a romantic?” Brianna teased.

“Are you going to tease me, or kiss me?” River laughed.

“I can do both,” Brianna chuckled as she leaned in to kiss River full on the mouth. River gave into the sensation fully. The love she had found with Brianna was everything she could have dreamed of. And the best part was that their story was just beginning.

Chapter 20


Brianna had been waiting months for this day. She pulled the ring box out of her pocket and checked on the ring again. She took in a deep steadying breath. This was really it. Tonight was the night. Six months ago, she had started dating River, and tonight she would propose. River was going to be a permanent part of her family. Brianna could barely believe it. She had ordered the ring special two months ago, after a considerable amount of shopping. She was surprised that Mel and Willow still responded to her text messages. She’d driven both of the women half mad talking about ring shopping.

There was an extra spring in her step to be sure. Briann called Mel, she picked up on the third ring.

“Hey, buddy,” Brianna said, her grin spread from ear to ear.