Page 35 of Passionate Hearts

“Yeah, but you never said anything,” River demanded.

“It’s your life. It isn’t my place to tell you who you should date or not date.”

River nodded her head, but Brianna could tell Emily’s answers had thrown her for a loop. Emily could see the shift in River too. She walked over and gave River a pat on the back.

“I want you to be happy. And I was never convinced that Tiff was going to be a good fit for you.”

Emily’s tone had softened.

“We still never wanted you to experience her cheating on you,” Tom offered.

“That’s true. She may not have been our favorite but we didn’t expect that,” Emily agreed.

Brianna was beginning to wonder if this was the best time to tell River’s parents about their relationship. Maybe they needed to break the news into sections. Today they could tell them about the breakup with Tiff. Then maybe next week they could come out as a couple. River met Brianna’s eyes and smiled widely; her dark eyes sparkled. Brianna was just about to change the subject when River crossed the distance between them. She took Brianna’s hand in her own.

“Well, I guess now that we’ve gotten the subject of Tiff out of the way there’s something else I want to tell you,” River announced.

Brianna could feel Tom and Emily’s eyes settling on them. Emily seemed to clock them holding hands first and elbowed Tom in the ribs. Tom lurched away from the pain and gave Emily a stern look. Brianna watched as Emily tilted her head in River’s direction.

“Brianna and I have been through a lot together. So much so that we’re together now. Like as a couple.”

Brianna glanced over at River. She could see the pride written all over River’s face. River was excited to show her off, it made Brianna’s heart swell inside her own chest. She shifted her focus waiting for Emily and Tom’s reaction. Emily’s face broke into a huge smile.

“Oh honey, that’s incredible news. I don’t think you know how long we’ve been waiting and hoping for this.”

Brianna arched an eyebrow she hadn’t been expecting that reaction at all. She had thought that Emily might be happy. Or that maybe she would question why they were moving so fast. It had never entered Brianna’s mind that Emily would be this level of excited.

“It’s true. Your mother has been hoping the two of you would get together from the first time Brianna visited our house,” Tom laughed.

One glance at River’s face told Brianna she was just as surprised as she was.

“You never said anything,” River said.

“Well of course not. As soon as I tell you something is a good idea you disregard it on principle,” Emily laughed.

“I wouldn’t say that’s true,” River pouted. Brianna squeezed her hand, a gesture meant to comfort River.

“I’m just glad you’re happy,” Brianna smiled.

“Why wouldn’t we be happy?” Tom asked, obviously confused.

“Brianna was afraid you would both think we were rushing into something,” River explained.

“Oh goodness, as far as I’m concerned y’all are running behind,” Emily teased.

Brianna couldn’t stop smiling. There was no way to come down out of the clouds. This had been even better than she’d ever imagined. Her relationship with River threatened to exceed all of her expectations.

Once they were home, they sat on the couch together.

“That went better than I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it would be good. But even I wasn’t expecting that level of support,” River explained.

“I couldn’t be happier if I tried.”

Brianna gave a tiny chuckle.

“Aww, babe. I told you it was going to be great.”

“Everything about this relationship just keeps getting better and better,” Brianna stated.