Chapter 2
Brianna had spent most of the previous day out of her mind with worry. Every moment from the time she’d gotten the call about River’s accident had been filled with some sort of concern. Last night she’d left the hospital and tried her best to get their apartment wheelchair-ready. She was grateful that they had elevator access on the third floor.
What she hadn’t counted on was Tiffany’s less than stellar attitude about the whole situation. Every single one of their friends had greeted the news with some form of concern. Willow had been reserved but had asked a ton of questions. The others had fallen somewhere along the concern spectrum. But Tiffany had acted more like River’s accident was an inconvenience. She had even gone as far as to mention how bad the timing was as she needed to get ready for a huge meeting. As if taking time out of her day to worry about River was asking too much of her.
She had managed to keep her composure. Though this morning when she’d received a text from Tiff saying she wouldn’t be able to pick her up from the hospital, Brianna was livid. What was the point in having a girlfriend if she never showed up?
Brianna drove her 2011 Camry back to the hospital with a box of doughnuts in her passenger seat. River loved doughnutsand Brianna was hoping to take the sting out of Tiffany not being there.
Brianna and River had only known one another for a short time. Initially, they had met when their best friends began dating. But there had always been a great energy between the two of them. To Brianna, River was one of the most gorgeous women she’d ever met. She simply couldn’t comprehend Tiffany not showing up for River.
There had ever been a chance at romance between the two of them. River and Tiffany had started dating a short time after they had met. Things had become serious between River and Tiff fairly quickly, so Brianna had slid comfortably into the friend zone. Not that she minded, River seemed like she’d always been in Brianna’s life. They were meant to know each other and be a part of each other’s lives. Brianna was certain of it.
River was waiting for her on the sidewalk when Brianna pulled up. She watched as River rearranged her facial expressions to hide the disappointment of Tiff not being there. Brianna couldn’t hold that against her. She’d be mad too if her girlfriend didn’t come pick her up from the hospital.
It was strange to see River in a wheelchair with two big casts on. For a moment Brianna felt a tinge of panic. How was she going to maneuver her friend into this tiny car? She swallowed her fear, she would find a way to make it work.
River gave Brianna a half grin when she saw her. Brianna moved a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear. She shrugged her shoulders and rubbed the palms of her hands against her shorts. Brianna was nothing if not enterprising, so she was sure she’d figure the situation out.
It did take some trial and error, but Brianna managed to get River safely loaded into her car. Brianna fought with the wheelchair until it was finally squished into the back. Brianna didn’t know how she was going to get the wheelchair back out again. She took in a deep breath before opening her car door and sitting in her seat. From the passenger’s side River ate a powdered doughnut. White powder dotted River’s face and Brianna had to fight back a laugh. River smirked and handed her a doughnut to enjoy. To her credit, River didn’t ask about Tiffany.
Brianna was careful to hit every bump she could see as carefully as possible. The last bump turning into the apartment complex caught them both by surprise. She shot River an apologetic glance, but her friend waved her off.
She yanked and fought with the wheelchair, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Is everything okay, friend?” River called from her seat.
“Absolutely. I just have to bargain with this wheelchair a little more.”
Brianna pushed the chair to the left then moved it slightly to the right. She gave one final yank and managed to free the chair from the car. She breathed a sigh of relief as she pushed the wheelchair around to River.
River shot her an apologetic look as she wrapped her arms around Brianna’s neck. Brianna smiled warmly and helped River out of the car and to the wheelchair.
Brianna didn’t take a full breath until she was upstairs in front of the door to their apartment. Brianna gave the key a turn in the lock.
“Thank you so much for helping me,” River said, her tone genuine.
“Of course. I would always do anything for you,” Brianna replied. The words came from the core of her being. Brianna had never learned to hold back her enthusiasm when it came to speaking to her friends. River smiled warmly, and Brianna thought she saw a touch of red spreading across her cheeks. Brianna felt her insides turning to mush. She turned the key and pushed open the door.
Brianna stood frozen for a moment, taking in the scene in front of her. Tiffany stood in their living room with a huge arrangement of roses. Brianna blinked once, then again. Apparently, what she saw was real. Tiffany came forward andgave River a hug then bumped Brianna out of the way and pushed River’s chair into the apartment. There was lunch, prepared and plated on the kitchen table.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to pick you up. I wanted to get this ready,” Tiff said with a smile.
“Thanks for taking such good care of her,” Tiff said, meeting Brianna’s eyes.
“Of course. Anytime,” Brianna offered a small smile.
Brianna watched as a smile spread across River’s face. She pushed her annoyance down below the surface. River was happy, and, today, that was the only thing that mattered. Brianna went to her bedroom to give the two of them some privacy. She sank onto her bed and closed her eyes. She’d taken the day off from work and nothing sounded better than a nap.
After about an hour Brianna heard River and Tiffany tell each other goodbye. The front door opened and closed a moment later. Brianna gathered her wits and came back to the living room.
“Welcome back, stranger. You know you don’t have to disappear every time Tiffany comes over?” River laughed.
“I just wanted to give you both some privacy,” Brianna said stiffly.
“Well, there’s food for you in the kitchen,” River said.