“Oh no, buddy. You must have been really upset, I’ve never seen you run away from anything.”
“I know. I was really afraid I was going to watch River get engaged right in front of me.”
“Listen, we don’t know what we don’t know. But I am almost one hundred percent certain that River did not accept that proposal.”
“You really think so?” Brianna asked, her voice was a whisper.
“B, yes! I definitely don’t think River is going to accept a proposal from Tiff.”
“But Tiff is so cultured and successful,” Brianna interrupted.
“Don’t forget that she’s an inattentive liar who cheated on River while she was recovering from a major accident,” Mel insisted.
Brianna brightened for a moment. What Mel said was absolutely true. Tiff could be suave and intelligent and successful. But would those things make up for being an awful girlfriend? Probably not, at least where River was concerned. Brianna leaned her head against the car seat and breathed a loud sigh.
“Do you know what you need?” Mel asked.
Brianna didn’t move her head but slid her eyes to the side in order to look at her friend.
“No, what?” Brianna smiled.
“Comfort food. Forget this coffee nonsense. You need to sit down with a big bowl or plate of something warm and filling,” Mel suggested.
Brianna’s stomach grumbled in agreement. She smiled at her friend.
“You know, you have pretty good ideas in a crisis,” Brianna laughed.
“I have pretty good ideas all the time. You only ask me about them during a crisis,” Mel teased. Brianna rolled her eyes in mock frustration.
“So, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go to Mallie’s. I’m going to have Brynn fix you up one of her personal favorites. We’re going to eat like queens. You’re going to startfeeling better. Then you’re going to find River and resolve this whole mix up.”
Mel crossed her arms across her chest. She arched her eyebrow and pinned Brianna with an expectant look.
“Hard to argue with that. Especially when you’re giving me that look,” Brianna teased.
“I’m practicing for one day when I have kids,” Mel laughed.
“I mean, I’m not a kid,” Brianna pouted.
“Of course not. But you’re still fun to practice on,” Mel smiled.
“Plus, I know you secretly like it,” Mel grinned.
Brianna would never admit it, but she did like having a friend who knew what she needed when she was at a loss. And the fact that Mel wasn’t afraid to be a little bossy was certainly a plus.
“Thanks, Mel.”
“Of course, buddy. That’s what I’m here for.”
“I just haven’t ever had someone that I’m this afraid of losing before. Well, not a girlfriend anyway.”
“Coming to terms with possibly losing someone this important to you is hard. But it can also pinpoint to you how great it is to have River in your life,” Mel suggested.
“It’s still uncomfortable realizing how much I’ve grown to care for her in such a short time.”
“You might not have been together as a couple for long. But you already cared for River in that way as your friend. Now the stakes are just a little higher because romantic love is also involved,” Mel smiled.
“I think you’re right.”