“Well, I don’t know if I love that approach to your love life,” Mel grinned. Brianna couldn’t keep in a chuckle.
“This morning I went over to Lez Getaway. I had coffee with Allison. We talked about how I’ve been feeling that way.”
“What did Allison say?”
“Allison reminded me that life is unexpected. She said that I should enjoy the good moments while they last.”
“Sounds like good advice,” Mel stated with a smile.
“It was good advice. So good that I stopped and bought flowers to surprise River on the way home.”
“Buddy, that’s so sweet. I’m sure River loved that.”
“I honestly couldn’t tell you if she did or not,” Brianna sighed.
“Oh no. What happened?”
“The door was already open, so I was about to step inside. But then I saw Tiff right inside the door.”
Brianna paused to give herself a chance to catch her breath.
“I wish that woman would just leave River alone,” Mel growled.
“Buddy, I walked in on Tiff proposing to River.”
Even Brianna thought her own voice sounded distant. It felt like she was listening to herself in a cave. Her words bounced from one cave wall to the other until they finally landed in her own ears.
“What?” Mel gasped.
“Tiff full on proposed to River. Not only that but she was talking about how River would never be happy with someone like me.”
Brianna lowered her head and started checking out the floorboards.
“Eh, what does Tiff know? She certainly wasn’t equipped to keep River happy.”
“You aren’t wrong. But what if Tiff knows what she’s talking about?” Brianna asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t think River would ever go back to Tiff. Not even if I wasn’t in the picture. But what if she’s right, and River won’t be happy with me?”
“First of all, I’ve only ever heard River tell me how wonderful you are. I’ll wager that you make her very happy.”
“I want to believe that. But what if I just don’t see it?”
“You don’t have to see it to believe it,” Mel suggested.
“Mel, this isn’t Hallmark. Give me something I can use,” Brianna whined.
“Okay. Okay. What did River say when Tiff proposed?”
“I have no idea. But she looked pretty shocked. That could have been because I walked in at an inopportune moment though,” Briann admitted.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Mel asked.
“I ran away.”
Brianna felt silly about her reaction now. At the time the entire scene had felt very overwhelming. She had been convinced she was about to witness River accepting Tiff’s proposal and that had been too much for her.