Page 34 of Passionate Hearts

“For what?”

“For making me feel better.”

“I’m always happy to stomp out your anxiety.”

Brianna’s whole body felt warm. There was something about the way River always tried to take care of her that felt special. Brianna had always been the friend that people could call. Everyone in her life knew that they could count on Brianna for just about anything. What was more Brianna often could look at a situation and know exactly what the person needed. She could show up without needing to be asked. But it was rare for Brianna to find someone who could do that for her. River had a way of knowing exactly what Brianna needed when she needed it. And Brianna felt like she did the same for River.

Their relationship was new, but it felt perfectly reciprocal. It was a good feeling to have about a new partner. As they pulled up to Emily and Tom’s home, Brianna took in a deep breath. River was right, her parents loved her. Brianna knew that Emily and Tom loved her. The question still remained; would they still love her when she was River’s girlfriend?

Emily was sitting outside on the front porch. Emily and Tom’s home always looked like it belonged in a home and garden magazine. Emily had a real eye for decorating. While Tom’s green thumb kept their garden looking immaculate. River walked up the walkway and up the front steps. Emily jumped out of her chair and gave her a huge hug.

“It’s so good to see you without a cast or a brace,” Emily smiled.

“It’s nice not to have to wear one,” River laughed.

Emily turned to Brianna and held her arms out. Brianna allowed herself to be swallowed up in a hug. For the first time, Brianna truly noted the similarities between Emily and River. Emily’s hair had silver strands in it but her hair was the same dark color and fell across her back the same way. Their eyes too, were the same dark brown. The only hint of Tom that Brianna could see in River was the shape of her eyes and her nose.

“Brianna, we can’t thank you enough for helping River while she recovers,” Emily gushed. Brianna was sure that her face was probably three shades of red.

“It was nothing. River is a pretty easy patient.”

Brianna met River’s eyes and smiled.

“I know for a fact that isn’t true,” Tom laughed.

“Dad,” River whined.

“What? I remember how hard-headed you can be. Especially, when you’re being told that you can’t do something.”

“Sure. But you’re not supposed to tell Brianna that,” River laughed.

“Sweetie, I don’t think there’s anything your father can say that’s going to scare Brianna off,” Emily teased. Emily gave Brianna’s arm a squeeze then gestured for them to all come inside.

Emily’s home had the appearance of a home that was staged to look lived in but that actually wasn’t. Everything seemed purposefully done. Emily led them all into the dining room and invited them to sit. With Tom’s help they brought out an entire tray of yummy looking food.

Emily wasn’t a cook. Never in the history of her friendship with River had Brianna seen Emily cook. But the woman could put together a charcuterie board worthy of a Pinterest board. Brianna marveled at the spread in front of them. Emily brought them each a tiny plate to use for their food.Brianna took a small sample of everything. She tried her best to prepare herself for what would come next.

“So how are things going with you and Tiff?” Emily asked.

Brianna knew that when it came to romance River kept her family at arm’s length. She didn’t want her family to get attached to someone that might not be around for long. She supposed she should be flattered that she’d spent as much time with Emily and Tom as she had.

“We actually broke up,” River shrugged.

“Really? What happened?” Tom asked.

“I caught her on a date with someone else.”

“I say good riddance,” Emily blurted.

“Mom!” River blurted.

“What? Tiff was objectively the worst,” Emily shrugged.

Brianna had to chuckle at the exchange. There was something very real about Emily’s words.

“I thought you liked Tiff?” River objected.

“I could get along with Tiff. That’s different from liking her as a person.”