Page 27 of Passionate Hearts

“Yeah. I think it will take time for me. Especially now that I know the feelings were reciprocated.”

“If it’s reciprocated you never know what might happen down the line. She and Tiff could break up in the future.”

“They might. But I’m not sure that would change anything for me. I’m hurt now, and that might follow me for a while.”

Jordan shrugged her shoulders and stretched.

“You’ll figure out what works best for you.”

“What are we figuring out?”

Brianna turned and saw Logan, the head instructor standing behind them. Logan had long dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She had an intensity that was evident both on the mat and off.

“Brianna found herself in a bit of messed up situation with her roommate,” Jordan offered.

“Messed up as in dangerous? Or messed up in a different way?”

Brianna smiled. It was nice to see that Logan’s concern for personal safety extended outside of the Krav Maga gym.

“Messed up like she told me that she has feelings for me. But she also has a girlfriend. So, there’s no way to act on those feelings.”

“That sounds really hard,” Logan offered.

Jordan ran off to use the restroom before class, but she threw a smile over her shoulder at Brianna. She could just make out Jordan mouthing the wordsask her out, as she ran. Brianna would have shaken her head, but Logan was standing right in front of her. Brianna let her eyes wander over Logan’s body in a controlled way. The woman was fit with muscular arms and legs. It was obvious that Logan took great care of herself. Tonight, her long hair was pinned up in Viking braids. It gave Loganthe appearance of being doubly tough. The best way to get over someone was to find someone new. Or so Brianna had been told.

“It was really hard. But I’m trying to just focus on moving past it.”

“Do you have anyone else that you’re seeing?” Logan asked.

Logan’s eyes skimmed Brianna as well. It was enough to let Brianna know that the interest was mutual.

“I don’t have anyone in my life. Not even on a casual basis. But I would like to meet someone,” Brianna offered.

“Well, if you’re interested, I’d love to meet up with you for coffee or dinner sometime soon.”

Brianna had to hand it to her, Logan was direct if nothing else. She marveled at the woman. It would have taken her longer to work up the courage to ask someone out.

“Like on a date?” Brianna asked. She was pretty sure about Logan’s meaning, but she wanted to be positive.

“Exactly like a date,” Logan chuckled.

Briannna experienced a moment’s hesitation. Was it right for her to jump back into the dating pool so quickly after her experience with River? One glance inside Logan’s eyes told Brianna to reciprocate Logan’s move.

“I would love to,” Brianna smiled.

“In that case I’m free tomorrow night. Does that work for you?” Logan grinned.

“I am. And I would love to go with you.”

“Great, give me your number and I’ll text you about plans after class.”

Brianna’s smile broadened. It had been a while since she’d been legitimately flirted with. Let alone by a woman that was jaw clenchingly gorgeous.

“Sounds like a plan.”

She exchanged one more smile with Logan. Logan made her way to the center of the mat to start class. Brianna searched the room until her eyes landed on Jordan. The woman sent her a thumbs up and a big smile. Brianna felt the tension in her chest ease a bit. Things didn’t seem quite as bad as they had before.

Chapter 11