Page 21 of Passionate Hearts

“Yes, River is Willow’s best friend.”

“Wow. Have to love the connectedness of all the lesbians in WaterColor,” Allison chuckled.

“Exactly. Well, River is recovering. But ever since the accident our relationship has been different.”

Brianna breathed in a sharp breath. Was she really about to talk to one of her bosses about her love life? Or lack of love life?

“How so?” Allison asked, she gave Brianna a genuine smile.

“I think it stirred up some attraction for both of us. Anyway, two weeks ago she had a bad date with her girlfriend and she confessed that she wanted to kiss me. Her feelings for me had changed.”

Brianna splayed her hands out as if done with her explanation.

“What did you say to her afterwards?” Allison asked.

“I told her I felt the same way.”

Brianna’s heart felt like it was falling off a cliff as she spoke about her talk with River.

“What’s the issue then?”

“Nothing, exactly. Except that River has a girlfriend. And she’s admittedly not ready to be done with her.”

“I see. That does put you both in a tough spot. What have you said to each other since that night?”

“Not much. We’ve both been avoiding one another.”

Brianna didn’t like admitting that she’d been avoiding River. But it was the truth. Lately, she just wasn’t sure what to say or if she should say anything at all.

“Do you want my advice?” Allison asked.

“Any direction would be appreciated,” Brianna smiled.

“You have to talk to her. This can’t be avoided. Not if she’s your friend. Certainly not if you want to keep her as a friend.”

“I do. I just don’t know what to say.”

Brianna felt a twist in her gut just thinking about River.

“Be honest. How does the conversation you had make you feel?”

Brianna squirmed uncomfortably in her chair.

“I mean it’s good to know how she feels about me. But River has a girlfriend. And I don’t want to be someone she reaches for just because she’s mad at her significant other.”

Allison nodded her head. It was obvious that the other woman understood where she was coming from.

“I think you should tell her that. You’re allowed to have boundaries, especially in this situation.”

“Thanks, Allison.”

There was a sudden low growl from behind Allison’s desk. Brianna jerked her head in that direction and saw two green eyes peering at her.

“Lulu, do you have to be so angry at all my guests?” Allison cackled in laughter before turning back to Brianna.

“Lulu?” Brianna asked with sudden hesitation.

“This is my cat, Lulu. Well, actually she’s more my wife’s cat. Taylor adopted her before we got engaged. Lulu and I have a bit of an armistice.