Page 18 of Passionate Hearts

“Whatever you have to keep telling yourself. I couldn’t do what you’ve had to do over the last month,” Tiff said matter of factly.

Her response hurt River more than she was willing to let on. River meant every word of her statement. Initially she’d been scared and frustrated by the notion that she’d have to slow down her life. How would she keep up with work and her friends? But her boss had been more than reasonable. And her friends had been happy to make time for her. The only exception to the rule was Tiff. Since she’d been unable to drive and get out as much, her relationship with Tiff had all but halted. Should she say something to Tiff about what she was feeling? Or should she focus on making tonight the best it could be. As if she could read River’s dissatisfaction Tiff pushed a strand of dark hair behind River’s ear.

“Tiff,” River began tentatively.

“Yeah, babe,” Tiff answered.

“I can’t help but notice that we’ve been spending less and less time together as I’m recovering.”

River decided to leave her thought open-ended. She didn’t have anything to accuse Tiff of. She was merely making an observation. Tiff straightened on the couch and pinned her with a stare. River forced herself to meet Tiff’s gaze.

“Are we really doing this on the one night I have to come over here?” Tiff asked.

The words stung. River had wanted Tiff to console her, maybe even tell her that she’d missed spending time with her, too. That was clearly not the route that Tiff was going to take.

“I’m not trying to do anything. I’m just noticing that I haven’t seen as much of you lately. And I’m saying that I miss you.”

Tiff halted for a moment considering her words. Her stern face vanished, replaced by something unreadable. Her expression wasn’t comforting, but her tone lost its note of accusation, and her eyes softened.

“I know it’s been a hard few weeks. I don’t have the schedule to drop everything and come over here multiple times a week. Brianna is a saint for helping out as much as she has. But I feel unproductive if I’m just sitting on a couch watching the world go by. I like to be out and about.

River knew instantly that what Tiff said was true. A month ago, River might have even said the same thing. The difference was that if Tiff had been hurt River would have made the sacrifice. It was a big difference, and never more glaring than in that moment. Tiff’s phone buzzed several times in a row. She mouthed an apology before checking her phone. She scrunched her face up.

“I’m sorry, babe. Logan is taking my client out and showing her the town tonight. I’m afraid if I don’t go, she might decide to put her account in with Logan instead.”

Tiff had the decency to wait for River to respond.

“Yeah, it sounds important. You better go catch up with them.”

River forced a smile. Tiff leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she stood.

“Thanks, babe. Don’t worry things will get back to normal before you know it.”

River nodded her head. She wasn’t sure she wanted things to go back to normal. Tiff had been given the chance to rise to the occasion of being her girlfriend. Quite frankly, she’d failed miserably. Meanwhile Brianna was her roommate and her friend, and she’d been more than willing to go out of her way for River.

The door closed behind Tiff, signaling the end to whatever romantic notions River had been holding onto. She allowed herself to get reinvested into her show.

An hour later the door swung open. River checked the time, it was still relatively early. River sat alone on the couch. Her eyes met Brianna’s and they both laughed.

“How was your date?” River asked.

“Complete failure,” Brianna answered.

“How about your date with Tiff?”

“Also, a big failure. Though at least she showed up.”

Brianna got them each a beer out of the fridge. She handed one to River as she slumped down on the couch. Brianna looked at River’s unfinished glass of wine and laughed.

“It was Tiff’s idea. She thinks beer is too simple for a date,” River laughed.

“Good thing we’re not on a date then,” Brianna chuckled. River could be wrong, but she thought there might be a note of regret in Brianna’s voice.

“Here’s to starting the night with failure and ending with good friends.”

Brianna’s words washed River’s doubts away.

“I’ll drink to that,” River took a giant swig of beer. Brianna turned towards the TV checking to see what was already on. She looked over at River and met her eyes. River could feel her heart quicken. There were certainly worse ways to end a night.