Page 82 of The Heir

“I cannot believe it. It all connects; I feel like a fool for not thinking of it sooner,” he exclaimed with a laugh.

“What connects?”

“You see, years later, Ryker made his way into the dungeons to search for your father. He ended up getting trapped in there for a time. I traveled to Haleston on an errand from my father, the King of Embra. Your uncle, Tarick, had me thrown into the dungeons—because I kind of tried to dethrone him, and then I discovered Ryker down there. Then we found ourselves here—on Earth, through a portal.”

“So that is how you met?”

“I had seen him throughout my life, during my visits to Haleston every once in a while. But, because my mother was the princess of Torren, before she married my father, the crown prince of Embra, we visited often. The king and queen of Torren were my grandparents, so when I was young I remember seeing him there before he became Lamont’s knight in Haleston.”

“You are related to Snow White?” I gasped remembering Torren being the kingdom in my mom’s book that had that fairytale. The princess was named Scarlet.

“Snow White?” he asked.

“Scarlet? The princess who broke her curse of beauty?” I clarified.

“Ah, yes, she is a distant relation,” Shad said with a soft smile.

“That would explain your dark hair–and why you are so–”

“Beautiful?” he chuckled and I shoved his shoulder making him laugh harder. “Her curse was broken if you recall,” Shad said.

“Yes, I know. Wow, this is so crazy. But you knew Ryker because of this?”

“Yes, Torren is where he grew up. He spent much time at court there. He traveled to my kingdom, Embra, a few times also. He is a direct descendant of a very powerful knight family line. Terran knights used to be praised for being unlike any other.”

“King Ronin’s family line?” I asked, remembering the story. Scarlet was cursed to be beautiful, and a knight named Ronin saved her. “Then you and Ryker are related?”

“Yes, distantly. One of King Ronin and Scarlet’s children–third born, I believe–is where he has relations to the crown.”

“Wow, it’s still baffling that these stories are real, and that someone else knows them,” I sighed.

“Your mother was wise for teaching you so much, without you ever knowing.” We were silent for a few minutes. My mind keptthinking about the stories. I thought about Embra, where Shad’s father was from.

“Are there still dragons in Embra?” I asked.

“Yes, I know of a few, but they are rare.”

“My mother’s stories spoke of Embra having magical fire dragons and fire flowers,” I said.

“Fire flowers are enchanting. You would love them,” Shad said with a smile.

“So, what happened to make Ryker hate you?”

“You would have to ask him that.” He took a couple breaths. “After we came out of the portal and into a cave here on Earth, Ryker headed out to search for your father’s melody, and obviously, he found it, and Ryker, being a guardian knight, would not leave him. Guardian knights are a sworn people. It is in their very blood and souls to protect the rightful heirs of Terra; they vow to protect, and they will do all in their power to protect and guard and fight to keep their heirs safe. Before he left me, he acted like a guardian to me for a time. I think that without someone to guard, he felt a little useless.”

“So you and Rykerwerefriends?”

Shad shrugged.

“So, let me get this straight—you both used to be friends and then you went your separate ways?”

He nodded. “That pretty much sums us up.”

“But why does he want you to stay away from me? It’s clear you’ve helped me,” I said pointing to the necklace, while meaning so much more. He brought me to life; his melody was what I needed to survive the sorrow of my life.

“Because of what we have between us. It scares him. He will always need an Heir to protect, and you are his Heir to protect.”

We were silent for a time after Shad’s explanation. I had so much new information to digest that I didn’t even know what to ponder first. There was the fact that my parents had lived somesecret life. Mary said they didn’t want me tolongfor Terra, like they did, but I did long for it in a way. I felt that knowing about it would have made me more complete. I loved my mother’s stories and had imagined them being real for so many years. There was always a hole within me that needed to be filled.