Page 19 of The Heir


He signed his name and left a number underneath it. My heart jumped. Oh, how much I hated phone calls. More than anything, small talk was the worst thing in the world.Why couldn’t he have just asked me the question when he returned the notebook?Could I just text him?What did he need from me?He was the one who helpedmein class. I huffed. No matter what I told myself, at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to call the number written in my notebook. I wanted to hear his voice and talk to him. But, why? I didn’t know him. Deciding not to be a baby, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed his number. Closing my eyes, I placed it by my ear. It rang once before I heard his voice.

“Hey, Emma,” his smooth voice said clearly through the phone.

I felt my face heat up. How did he know it was me? “Hey, Shad, so you needed to ask me a question about math?” I waited for him to answer.

“Uh–not exactly,” he answered.

“Oh, I thought—”

“It isn’t really about math, but a problem. Not amathproblem.”

“Oh, okay,” I was confused.

“I hoped you would call.”


“Yes, of course.”

My face felt hot again. I tried very hard to focus on the conversation. I did not want to sound like an idiot, but it was harder than I thought.

“Well, here I am calling.” I put my head on my pillow in annoyance.That was a good one, Emma.

“So, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and see my rose hobby, sometime,” his voice came out rather slowly near the end as if he wanted me to linger on the last few words.

I smiled. “That doesn’t have anything to do with a problem.”

“Well, the problem is I don’t see you enough,” he chuckled. “I’m so glad you called me.”

“Well, here I was, thinking that you needed my expert help with equations.”

“No, uh, you are—”

“Yes, I know; I am not good at math.”

“No, not that. I just mean—no, I finished my homework, so—what do you think?”

“About the homework? It is probably awful. I am putting it off.”

He chuckled. “No, about coming to my house.”

“What is a ‘rose hobby’exactly?” I could not help but giggle a bit. At least, it wasn’t loud.

“Okay, okay, yes—it is a little ridiculous. I am aware of that; however, I go a little crazy for the things I care about—the things Ilove,” he paused, and I heard him let out a breath. “You know my secret. I am a flower nerd.” He laughed at himself for a moment.

I couldn’t help but join him and laugh, too. “Flower nerd, huh?” I asked.

“Yes, probably the best way to put it. I do love roses—and many other plants, I might add. Apple trees are particular favorites of mine, and of my mother, too, actually.”

“Nothing wrong with loving roses. I love them, too. I also like a good apple, now and again.”

“Something in common, then.”


“I thought you might be interested in seeing what my hobby is all about, seeing as you work in a flower shop and love roses.”