Shad laughed and moved away.
“See you all again, soon.” Shad smiled, nodded to me, and then walked away.
“He annoys me,” Ryker said as Shad walked out of the cafeteria.
“Well, that is apparent,” Ash agreed with a laugh. “What’d he do?—Steal your girlfriend? Take your lunch money?”
“Yeah, what is it with you two?” I asked.
“Great answer, Ryker,” I grunted.
He shrugged his shoulders as he got up and threw away his trash. He walked behind where I was sitting and bent down, similar to what Shad had done, and then he whispered into my ear—I assumed that it was because he didn’t want Ash to hear: “Please, just be careful with him, Em.” He stood, turned, and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving me completely and utterly confused and irritated.
Third period was a blur as History class always seemed to be. I kept thinking back to my Math class, to Shad and those golden eyes, to lunch and his stare focused so often on me.My last and final period was English. I’d heard the buzz around school about my pool party, already. Things really seemed to escalate quickly. I hoped that Mary wouldn’t be upset. I told myself that I was not irritated about it. I envisioned Shad shirtless, swimming in my pool, and nope, I was not upset at all. I actually loved Ash for thinking of making it a pool party and inviting Shad. I walked down to the “A” hall and stopped at a line that was forming outside the door to my English classroom. We were all waiting as the warning bell rang.
About five minutes passed; our class should have already started. Students began leaving. I saw him again– Shad, over by the door, leaning against the frame, writing in a notebook. I wondered what it was in that book that held his attention. I was turning into some lovesick puppy. I groaned. He looked up at me. He had such an amazing face;Seriously—who has a face like that?I quickly looked away and felt my face grow ten degrees hotter.
Finally, the teacher arrived and let us in. The desks were facing each other on opposite walls; my seat was at the back.
Shad sat by the teacher.He must be the teacher’s assistant,I thought. As the teacher began lecturing, I tried as best I could to take notes. I glanced up and across the room as I moved my hair around my shoulders, feeling anxious, and I saw that Shad was looking at me, or I thought he was looking at me, but I couldn’t really tell for sure. I ducked. I decided that he was probably just looking at the wall behind me or at a poster;yeah, that makes sense. When class ended, I hurried out the door. Shad stood outside, talking to a group of girls, and I rolled my eyes, just thinking about him and his crazy beauty. At least, I was not the only girl at school who was completely undone by him.
“Hey, Emma,” I looked around; there stood Shad right by my side. I jumped, surprised by how quickly he had gotten to me.
“Oh, my gosh, you scared me!” I clenched my shirt at the neck.
He laughed, and his laugh bubbled up inside me, causing me to feel like I was glowing. The melody I made up for him started playing again, and I tried to focus on what he was saying.
“I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.” He looked sincere.
“Oh—thanks. Yeah, no worries. I scare easily,” I responded, looking at his feet.
“So, you left your notebook on the table in math class. I was going to give it to you at lunch, but Ryker kind of freaked out.”He smiled as he handed me my blue notebook. I took it and held it against my chest.
“Oh, thank you. Yeah, heispretty protective of me. Always has been.”
“So, are you headed to work now—so you can help other boys buy lavender roses?” he asked, putting his hands again into his pockets.
“No, I have the day off. I work Wednesday, after school, next. How is your hobby going? Did the rose work out?” I wanted to slap myself.Did the rose work out? Really, Emma? Really? Did you just say that?
“Well, you tell me. I didn’t actually end up keeping it. I gave it to someone instead,” he shifted a little as he spoke.
“Oh, well, I guess next time you should buy two—you know, if you make a habit out of giving roses away and all.”Again, what are you saying, Emma! Did I just sound like I want him to keep giving me roses? That is a little too forward.
“Look at you, still working even off the job. Looks like someone needs a raise,” he smiled as he spoke, making eye contact.
“I get paid overtime for this, Shad.”
He laughed again at my words, and the sound was captivating. His shoulders moved, and his eyes lit up like a shooting star. I could not help but laugh for a moment, too. It felt good.
When was the last time I laughed?It was too long because the act felt so unfamiliar—although pleasant. As I contemplated that thought, Shad moved closer, leaning in toward me, our shoulders touched just slightly, but enough to bring a warmth to my cheeks that lit up my world.
“I hope you liked the rose, Emma,” he whispered in my ear, and before I could look at him or turn around, he was walking down the hall and became lost in the crowd of students, making their way home.
Chapter Eight
The walk home was long and warm. Ryker had to stay after school for football practice. So, just as I walked to school alone, there I was, walking home alone, too. Football season was the worst. However, Ryker loved the sport, so I was happy for him, although sad for myself, of course.