Page 93 of Bright Soul

Cress shifted uncomfortably. “Has Willow agreed to this?”

Roe turned to her with a guilty little look. “Most of our people are leaving with her. She’s going to be okay.”

“Who is going to stay, then?” she pressed.

“Well, you, Ben, and me. Wren wants to stream the battle, but we want to avoid that. We’re going to be using deadly force against the torchbearers. It’s the only way we’ll survive,” the redhead replied.

Cress paled, while Phaeron nodded in grim understanding. With him as the only one capable of unbinding the souls twisted to Myuna’s service, he could not physically save them all. With no further protests aired, Madigan finished outlining the rough sketch of our battle plan.

We would lure Myuna’s torchbearers and chosen ascended to the lake where the ocean gate dwelled and fight to the bitter end to evacuate nearly everyone. Then, Auric would take the remaining fighters through the Void to Myuna’s chamber directly.

“The smaller the group that remains, the less likely I lose someone along the way,” he added.

“Comforting,” our leader said dryly.

“He speaks in jest,” Phaeron said, rolling his eyes. “His control of the Void is masterful.”

“Why joke at a time like this?” I asked. Everyone but me seemed to turn to humor when up against such serious events.

“What better time?” Auric countered. “The hour of Myuna’s death approaches, as foretold long ago, by a Vess as dear to meas a sister. She gave her life to tell the dread goddess that she would be defeated by the duo of Phaeron’s mate and daughter.” His one good eye fixed across the table at her, glowing teal. “And now we have Cressida et Sudaira and her tether to the powercore, who, in life, was Phaeron’s adopted daughter. She is only missing one thing. Have you figured out what you need to do next yet?”

Color touched Cress’s cheeks as most everyone turned their attention her way. “It slipped my mind,” she admitted.

“I believe the wording was…” he drifted off with a glance at Hana. “Pool your resources, and you will find the key to our victory.Right?”

She nodded. Phaeron seemed unsurprised, saying, “I remember now. I saw the conversation in Cress’s memories and your heavy-handed hint as well. You believe a mating circle will truly be a solution here?”

Ben sucked in a gasp, while I felt as blank as Cress looked. I went ahead and asked the question for both of us. “What is a mating circle?”

For once, this room filled with all these big personalities was pin-drop silent. “It’s like marriage, but for a group.” Ben was the one to break the silence, albeit with a nervous shake to his voice. “Sealed with cupid magic.”

Cress’s eyes widened. “Marriage?” she echoed.

I drew breath to reassure her. The saying was that one could be married to their duty, after all. I wouldn’t have minded binding myself to her forever at that moment.

“It is crazy enough to work.” Phaeron disappeared in a whirl of shadows, taking form again behind Cress’s chair. He rubbed her shoulders and bent to whisper something into her ear.

“It’s a lot to ask of you all. We can find another way,” Roe blurted.

“I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this with my mate and her potential circle,” Phaeron said, a steely edge to his voice. “Without such an expectant audience.”

It was Prince Orthus who responded first by pushing back his chair and standing. “For such a lofty request, it is the least we can do,” he said, gesturing to the room at large. Madigan nodded and turned, going with him to be first out the door. Soon, we were alone, and Cress was pacing the room.

“Why is us all gettingmarriedsuch a big deal?” she asked.

I stood too, wanting to hold and comfort her while she balanced herself on the edge of panic. Ben did the same. “There’s more to it than the marriage part, babe.”

“Allow me to explain,” Phaeron cut in, shooting him a warning look. “The point of a mating circle is empowerment. The more mates one person can bind into the circle, the more powerful they become. With us bound to you, Cress, you will be able to take from a pool of our magic, attributes, and resources. Imagine having my shadows and skill with a sword, Geo’s impenetrable stone skin, and Ben’s channeling ability. Plus Braza’s empowerment.”

I imagined it, and judging by the way her steps faltered, so did Cress. “She would be unstoppable,” I said with wonder.

“No wonder we’re the plan,” Ben said, running a hand through his overlong hair.

Cress shook her head slowly. “Is all that possible?”

Phaeron walked into the path of her pacing, cupping her face. “Yes, it would be possible,” he said, stroking his thumbs over her cheeks. “And it would allow me to share my immortality with you, Geo, and Ben. It is the next step for our relationship anyway…merely so early as to scare you.”

“I’m not scared,” she said slowly. When he raised a brow, she blew out a breath. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”