Page 86 of Utah

“It’s been forever.”

“It’s been four days. Don’t be dramatic,” she teased.

“Like I said, forever.”

“Here,” she said, handing the baby back to me. “I have to finish getting dressed, then start setting out the food. Did you remember to pick up the candles for his cake?”


“And the soda?”

“Yep,” I repeated.

“How about the—”

“I got everything on the list you gave me yesterday, and even a few extra items. It’s all good. Now go get ready before everyone gets here.”

“Love you,” she said as she hurried from the room.

“Mommy’s stressed, but Daddy’s gonna give her some relief later.” Paul looked up at me with the same shade of brown eyesI possessed and giggled. “Maybe I shouldn’t be telling you that, but you do want a sibling, right?” I talked to him as if he understood me.

Ria and I had talked about having another kid, but she said she wasn’t sure if she wanted more. While I’d been briefly disappointed, I didn’t push the issue. If Paul ended up being our only child, we were more than blessed.

After getting my son changed and ready for his party, I strolled into the kitchen. I’d just set him in his high chair when the doorbell rang.

“Hi, Melinda.” Ria’s mom pecked my cheek as she handed me a basket filled with baby clothes. This kid had more of a wardrobe than me and Ria combined.

“Where’s my grandson?” She moved past me and toward Paul. I’d gotten used to people directing their attention to my son and not me. And not only did I not care, but I also preferred it. I’d come out of my introverted shell a bit since becoming a dad, but I still wasn’t at the level of outgoing by any means.

As Melinda entertained him, I went to work setting up the trays of food, getting a jump start so my woman didn’t have to fuss as much.

“Thanks, babe.” Ria walked up next to me and gave me a sultry look. Or was that appreciation? I hadn’t been inside her in days, and the anticipation had me thinking about one thing only whenever she was near.

“When are you two gonna give me another grandbaby?”

Ria’s posture stiffened, but she tried to hide her uneasiness as she rifled through the cabinets.

“I think you should focus on him,” I said, smiling and pointing to the little boy in her lap.” I then turned my attention to Ria, who suddenly seemed to be on edge. “What’s wrong?”


I closed the utensil drawer and pulled her into the corner so her mom couldn’t hear us. “Ria, tell me.”

Her shoulders deflated, and at first, her eyes were everywhere but on me. But when her gaze finally landed on mine, she said, “I’m pregnant.”

“What?” She spoke so low that I thought perhaps I misheard her.

“I’m pregnant. I just took a test. I’ve been feeling off the past two weeks, and when my period was late, I thought maybe I was. So, I took a test. I was right.” She smacked my chest. “Why are you smiling? This isn’t good. Paul’s only a year old. We’ll have two kids in diapers.”

“Are you kidding?” I said, lowering my voice when I realized how loud I’d been. “This is amazing.” I pulled her into me and gave her the biggest kiss.

“At leastyou’rehappy,” she said.

“I’m thrilled. But be honest, isn’t there a part of you that’s a tiny bit excited?” I held my thumb and forefinger close. “Just a little?”

She slapped my hand away but smiled. “Maybe a little.” Her grin quickly disappeared. “But I don’t wanna tell anyone else yet. It’s early, and I don’t wanna jinx anything.”

“Okay. It’ll be our secret for now.”