Page 88 of Utah

“You look great. Listen, before I forget, I wanted to let you know that Dr. Sanders said you have a job at the office whenever you decide you want to come back. The two girls he hired after you were a disaster.”

“Tell him I said thanks. But for now, I’m gonna stay home with Paul. If that changes, I’ll let you know.” I rested my hand over my belly, knowing I wouldn’t be going back to work anytime soon, which was fine with me because Paul was a full-time job. I couldn’t imagine what caring for two kids was going to be like. I was thankful every day that my fiancé was a hands-on dad.

“Hey, Knox. Guess what?” Colton was in front of my brother, yanking on his arm.

“What’s up, buddy?”

“My dad and Emmy are getting married.”

“They are?” Knox’s brow pulled downward as he searched for the couple in question. “Is that true?”

“Yeah,” Renner answered.

“When did that happen?” he asked.

“Last night,” Emmy replied. She turned to look at me. “He was so sweet. He made me a candlelit dinner with my favorite meal, which is chicken parm. I should’ve known something was up because Colton went to bed without a complaint. And he gave me a tighter hug than usual beforehand.”

“Get ready for people to start asking you when the date is,” I said. “Because that was all anyone asked me for months.”

“Colton already did. He told his dad to get a move on because he wants a brother or sister. To be fair, he’s been asking for a sibling since I moved in.”

“He’s something else, isn’t he?” We shared a laugh.

“He certainly is.” Her expression momentarily fell, and I wasn’t sure if I should pry or not. But I was a little concerned.

“Are you okay? Do you not want to get married?” I asked the last question under my breath.

“No, it’s not that at all. I’m thrilled. It’s just that when I called my friend Morgan to tell her, I got the feeling she wasn’t thrilled about coming back to Laredo for whenever the wedding will be.”

Utah had told me what happened with Morgan and the guy from the cartel. That he killed someone right in front of her. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to stay as far away as possible from where that happened.

“I can understand that, but I’m sure she’ll be there on your big day. Especially once more time has passed.”

“I think so too. Besides, she’s in Paris right now opening another art gallery, and between her job and planning her own wedding next year, she’s got a lot on her plate.”

“Paris? Wow. Is Tag with her?”

“Yeah. I’m sure he feels like a fish out of water.”

“Still… Paris.” I sighed. “One day.”

“We’ll all go together,” she said, sharing in my dream.

“Can you imagine those two in Paris?” I pointed toward Utah and Renner, who were entertaining Paul.

Emmy bumped my shoulder with hers and smiled. “Yes. We might have to leave them in the hotel room while we shop, though.”

“True.” I parted my lips to continue our conversation when Evie sidled next to me.

“Hey, sis.” She kissed my cheek. “Tell your man to stop hogging my nephew.”

“You’re gonna just have to steal him away.” I scoured the room quickly. “Ben didn’t come with you?”

“No. We broke up.”


“Last week.”