“Well, if you don’t wipe that grin off your face, people are gonna start guessing. Keep it together.” She gently shoved at my shoulder. “Now go get the door. Someone just pulled into the driveway.” Before I walked away, she whispered, “Oh, I have a feeling this one is gonna be a girl.”
I whispered back, “That’s okay because now I have Paul on my side as backup to keep the boys away.”
There was a lightness in my step as I headed to the front door. Once more, I’d been given a gift I could never repay from the woman who’d become my world. Whatever I’d done to beworthy of Ria, I’d never know, but I was through with believing I didn’t deserve happiness.
Because she showed me every day that I was worthy.
I wasn’t prepared to share the news about the pregnancy with Utah just yet, but my mom inadvertently put me on the spot. I wouldn’t have waited a week to tell him, but I thought I’d have more time with the news before I shared. But now that the secret was out of the bag, so to speak, I was relieved he knew. I’d need reassurance whenever my panic kicked in over having a couple kids under the age of two.
The appearance of Renner, Emmy, and Colton pulled me out of my head, and not a second too soon. If allowed, I’d run through a million and one what-ifs, and today wasn’t the day to dwell in uncertainty. Today was a day for celebration. I couldn’t believe Paul was a year old already. Where did the time go?
“Hi, Ria,” Renner greeted, kissing my cheek. “Where’s the little guy?”
“My mom is hogging him.” I pointed toward the love seat in the corner of the room. He walked off toward them as Emmy approached.
“Hi.” She gave me a hug, the smile on her face larger than normal. We’d gotten to know each other pretty well over this past year, and while I viewed her as an upbeat person, full of positivity, there was something different about her I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Then again, there was something different about me too. “We bought Paul a couple outfits. I’m sure youhave plenty, so I left a gift receipt in the bag in case you want something else. The leather Harley-Davidson vest is from Renner. There’s no gift receipt for that one.”
“We can never have enough clothes. Thank you. And Utah will really love the vest.” I gestured toward the food trays. “Please help yourself. I think we bought more than we should’ve.”
“Hi, Ria.” Colton gave me a side hug and handed me a gift. “I got PaulThe Avengersmovie. It’s my favorite. I know you can stream it, but I like to have a copy so I can watch it where I want, when I want.”
God, I loved this kid. We babysat him numerous times for Renner and Emmy, and each time he was delightful. Just a bundle of wit and kindness.
“I think Paul’s a little young for this movie, but as soon as he’s old enough, you can watch it with him. How does that sound?”
“Okay. Hey, guess what?” Excitement swirled through his question.
“My dad and Emmy are getting married.” His enthusiastic smile lit up his handsome face.
“What?” I locked eyes on Emmy, then Renner. “You’re getting married? When did this happen?”
Renner narrowed his eyes at his son. “Colton, I told you to keep the news to yourself for now. Today is Paul’s day.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Utah said, clasping hands with his friend before embracing him. “We’d love to celebrate this news with you. Congrats, man.”
Utah hugged Emmy as well, and I was next in line.
“I’m so happy for you.” I reached for her hand. “Let me see. It’s gorgeous.”
The ring was similar in size to what Utah gave me, but thedifference was that Emmy’s ring was round, whereas mine was square.
“Thank you. We were gonna tell people another day because we didn’t want to detract from his birthday party.”
“Don’t be silly,” I said. “Life flies by way too fast. We have to celebrate as much as we can.”
“I agree,” Emmy replied, her eyes shining brightly with happiness.
The front door opened, and moments later, Knox and Kyla appeared. Evie walked in right behind them.
“Hey, guys. You can drop your gifts over there and please help yourself.” I pointed toward the kitchen. “Just grab a plate.”
“Cute dress,” Kyla said as she wrapped her arms around me.
“Thanks. I’ve been waiting to get back into this for a while now.”