Page 83 of Utah

“She’s fine.” Her cheeks puffed out on an exhale. “We were out to lunch, and she started getting contractions. She said she had some earlier today, but they went away. Then, when she stood up from the table, her water broke.”

“Her water broke? Fuck.”

“That’s a good sign,Dad. That means the baby is coming.” Evie’s smile returned full force. “Now get in there.” I took a step forward, but she grabbed my wrist. “Congratulations, Utah.”

“Thanks.” I blew out the air from my lungs, sent up a silent prayer that mother and baby would be okay, and walked into my future.

Groaning through a contraction with my eyes sealed shut, I sensed Utah the second he walked into the room. I wanted to shout with joy that he was finally here to help me, but I also wanted to bitch at him for taking so damn long. I was grateful Evie was with me when my water broke, but I wanted him.

Once the contraction subsided, I pried my lids open, and his handsome face came into sight. But he looked like a mess, and even though I was the one suffering, I felt bad for him. Half of his strands had fallen out of his hair tie, his face was flushed, and his leather vest was lopsided.

“Are you okay?” I asked, reaching for his hand.

“I’m fine. Areyouokay?”

“I am now that you’re here.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” He kissed me and stroked my cheek. “I thought I had my phone near me, but I didn’t.” He cursed under his breath, and the last thing I wanted was for him to get down on himself because he thought he failed me in some way. “I’m sorry,” he said once more.

“It’s okay. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” More words rested on my lips, but I couldn’t free them. I was too busy squeezing his hand and breathing through another contraction. “Ow, ow, ow,” I groaned, unable to release any othersyllables.

“Breathe, baby. Just breathe. You got this.”

“Pl… please… sh… shut up,” I whisper-shouted, the sound of his voice making everything worse in that moment. Forty-five seconds later, I started to feel some relief. “I’m sorry. It’s just when I’m in pain, I—”

“Don’t apologize. Do whatever you have to. Say whatever you have to in order to get through it. I promise I won’t take anything personally. Okay?”

“Okay.” I lessened my grip on his hand. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“Not at all. Give me everything you got.”

“Can you have this baby for me?” I really wished that was an option right now.

“I would if I could.”


He leaned in close. “If I could take away your pain, I would. I hate seeing you like this.”

“But there’s no way around it.” My head flopped back against my pillow. I’d only been in labor for an hour, and I was already exhausted.

After the next contraction passed, I pressed the button to call the nurse. A chubby blonde woman in her fifties appeared less than a minute later.

“What did you need, honey?”

“Can you find out when the doctor is coming to give me the epidural? I don’t want to miss my window.”

“I believe she’s on her way, but I’ll double-check. Did you need more ice chips?”


“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She smiled at Utah before she walked out of the room. She reentered moments later with fresh ice chips and some of the best news of my life. “The anesthesiologist will be here in less than twenty minutes.” I wanted to kiss the nurse I was so happy.

After the epidural was administered, I felt much better. I was still tired, but I could carry on a conversation with Utah. We were still trying to decide on baby names. He wasn’t keen on picking girls’ names because he didn’t want to jinx it. He really wanted a boy. He did admit that, of course, he would love his daughter to the moon and back, but he’d go crazy along the way.

Evie had popped in again, but I sent her home. I didn’t know how long it would be until the little one made an appearance. I told her I’d call her once her niece or nephew had arrived.

She’d converted my old bedroom into a nursery, complete with tons of outfits and toys. Besides me and Utah, she was the most excited about the baby.