Ria tensed up and squeezed my hand.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine. Like she said, just some pressure.”
“This is gonna take a bit. So, if I’m quiet, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong, okay?” The doctor’s attention bounced between us both.
“I had one in the emergency room, so I remember,” Ria said, and the reminder I wasn’t there with her bothered me.
The longest fifteen minutes of my life passed, and even though she warned us that her silence didn’t necessarily mean anything was wrong, I couldn’t help but feel like she stalled for time to tell us bad news.
The squeak of metal rollers against the tile floor echoed in the room.
“All done. Your baby looks good. At this stage, he or she is starting to develop teeny tooth buds under the gums. And bones and cartilage are forming. Knees and ankles are starting to take shape, and the tiny elbows are already working.”
“Wow,” I said with astonishment.
“I know,” Dr. Fulson responded. “A baby’s development is truly a miracle.” She patted Ria’s leg. “Do you have any questions for me?”
“If you think of anything later, just call the office.” She took a step toward the door. “As long as you don’t start spotting again, give it another two or three days, and then you can resume sexual activity. Otherwise, I’ll see you next month.”
Her words floated in the air after she’d left, and I’d never been so happy to follow a doctor’s orders before.
Everything with Utah fell into place. His club was no longer being threatened by the Mexican cartel, although that’s all he’d tell me. He refused to give me any more details because he said it was in the past and that was where he wanted to leave the situation. I didn’t push because it wasn’t important enough to start an argument. I was simply happy he and my brother weren’t in danger any longer.
He was healing physically from being stabbed and no longer required the harsh opioid medication to get through the day. Those pills not only curbed his pain, but during the short period of time he took them, they altered his mood. I was happy he stopped taking them. One less thing to worry about because I didn’t believe we’d survive if he reacted to a situation again like he did with finding out about Will.
After my doctor’s visit yesterday, when she reaffirmed the baby was doing well, I finally let go of some of the stress I’d been carrying. I’d release the rest of my worry when the baby was born. I told my mother that, and she laughed, telling me I’d never stop worrying about my child. My brother, sister, and I were all grown, and she still fretted over us.
Nestling into Utah’s side, I thanked the universe or fate or whatever was responsible for bringing him into my life. Even though we’d had our issues, we loved each other. And even though there was a ten-year age gap between us, I didn’t feel as if that hindered us in any way. Other than those times when I didn’t understand some of his movie and music references, which in turn made him feel even older.
“I love you,” I murmured against his chest.
“You do?” The tone of his voice indicated he wasn’t being completely serious.
I craned my neck to look up at him. “I do.”
“Well, that helps.”
Playfully smacking his chest, I tsked. “That’s not the response a woman wants to hear, especially a pregnant woman.”
“I’m teasing. You know I love you.” He pulled me on top of him.
“That’s more like it.” My soft laughter died on my lips when he thrust his hips upward. “Although I do like when you tease me.” My tone dripped with desire, and it was all I could do to control my raging hormones.
“Don’t start, Ria. You know we can’t do anything for another two days.”
“You started it by pressing yourself against me.”
“I did no such thing. You were squishing my dick. I had to adjust.”
“There’s no squishing that thing. It’s too big.”
“Flattery will get you fucked, so stop it.” He smacked my ass. “Now kiss me.”