Page 25 of Utah

Having obtained the information I came here for, I walked out of Chambers but came to a dead stop when I didn’t see Ria anywhere. I was two steps toward the exit when Knox rushed down the hallway. Instinct told me to follow.

“Are you okay?” he asked, but I didn’t know who he was talking to. Not until he stepped out of the way.

Ria was bent over the toilet, retching her guts out. In between heaves, she told him to leave, that she’d be okay. Without saying anything, I placed my hand on his shoulder and jerked my head to the side, silently telling him, “I got her.”

Once we were alone, I wet one of the towels with cold water, pulled her hair up, and placed the coolness on the back of her neck.

She didn’t even startle with the gesture, and I didn’t blame her. Whenever I’d been sick, usually the result of drinking my weight in alcohol, nothing else fazed me, not while I’d been in that state.

“Isn’t there something you can take so you’re not getting sick like this?”

“When it… when it comes out of nowhere….” Her words evaporated as she dry heaved, and all I wanted to do was cradle her in my arms until she felt better.

“Don’t talk.” I rubbed her back in a circular motion. Because I didn’t want to leave her side, I texted Knox to bring me some water.

“Is she okay?” he asked when he arrived, handing me a bottle.

His protectiveness over his sister was extreme sometimes, but right now he looked genuinely worried.

“She’ll be okay. Just some morning sickness.”

“It’s three in the afternoon.”

Ignoring him, I twisted off the cap and handed her the water. “Here, take a couple small sips.”

She did as instructed, leaning against me in exhaustion after swallowing.

“I didn’t want you to see me puke, but I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’ll always be here for you.” I tucked her hair behind her ear, my fingers lingering on the side of her face. She was so goddamn beautiful. She’d argue with me if I told her that right now, embarrassed I’d seen her at a vulnerable point. But she’d witnessed mine only a couple days ago.

“What if something happens to you in Mexico?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, hesitation weaved into every word.

“I’ll be fine. We’re not going there guns blazing or anything. Just trying to work some shit out.” I spoke half-truths, but she didn’t need to know that.

“I don’t even have the energy to argue with you right now.” The lilt of her tone indicated she wasn’t angry. Not right now, at least.

After another minute, I helped her to her feet. “Are you okay to drive?” I asked. “Because I can get one of the guys to drive your car.”

“I’m fine. I’ve been dealing with this for a few weeks.”

“If you’re sure.”

Her gaze lifted to mine. “I’m sure.”

We barely made it through the main room of the clubhouse before Knox approached.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay. It comes and goes.”

He studied her for a moment, and for as much as Riacomplained about her brother being overbearing, I was happy he was so protective of her. I was less thrilled when he’d found out about us, but now that he’d come to terms with what happened, I was on board with how much he cared.

His phone dinged with an incoming message. “Okay, gotta go.” He pulled her in for a hug, but instead of accepting his gesture, she pulled back.

The vigorous shake of her head came first, and then her hand covered her mouth. One deep breath after another followed.

“What’s wrong?” Knox and I asked simultaneously.