Page 16 of Ryder

“Settle down, man. I just meant that you might be a little too close to this, more so than the rest of us.” Confusion shrouded his expression. “After everything that happened with Edana, can you seriously tell us you won’t do something drastic if given the opportunity?” I had my doubts he’d be able to restrain himself. Not that I’d blame him, but when it came to being strategic, we had to hold off until Marek gave the orders. Any other move and a shitstorm could blow back our way and devastate the entire club forever.

Slowly lowering himself back into his seat, he replied, “I’m not gonna fuck it up.” He closed his mouth and turned toward Marek, no longer wanting to engage me in any further conversation.

“I didn’t say you would.”

“Yes you fuckin’ did. When you questioned me.” He was still facing Marek when he responded.

“All right. Calm down. Both of you,” Marek shouted, then sighed. “I’m too young for this,” he mumbled, pushing his chair back from the lip of the table.

“What about that fucker who’s making threats to our women?” Stone threw out that question, locking eyes solely on his best friend for the answer.

“Keep watch over them.” Stone’s mouth dropped open. “Hey, he came up to AdelaideandSully. Don’t forget that. My wife is just as upset as your woman.”

“I know. I know,” Stone said, shaking his head in aggravation. “I just hate the thought that anyone has the balls to approach Addy and freak her out with some lame-ass threat. I’m stressed out the way it is, constantly worrying about her and Riley. And now that Addy’s pregnant. . . .” Stone stopped speaking, emotion rising in his voice and threatening to crumble the man right in front of all of us.

I feared for Braylen’s safety every day. I could only imagine how I’d feel if she was my fiancée, or wife, or had my kid. It would only amplify the issue until I was giving myself a daily heart attack.

“We’ll get ’em. He can’t hide forever. Until then, keep your eyes and ears open. If you have to deal with family stuff and need someone to replace you in the rotation at Jagger’s fights, or checking in on things at Indulge and Flings, just let me know. We’re all in the same boat.” Grabbing the gavel, he said, “Is there anything else?”

Everyone just shook their heads.


Loud voices outside woke me from sleep, rousing me only hours after I’d drifted off to dreamland. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the longer I laid there, the more evident it became that the voices were familiar.

One was from the man who continued to confuse the hell out of me, twisting me all around until I didn’t know which end was up, and the other was from the man who was completely head over heels for my sister.

I threw off the covers and groggily shuffled toward my window, tossing it open and leaning my head outside.

“What are you two doing?” I yelled, the night’s breeze blowing strands of my blonde hair back in my face. I was sure I looked the sight, but ask me if I cared. Not a minute later, I heard my bedroom door open but didn’t bother to look behind me, knowing it was Kena who had come to see what all of the commotion was about.

“He insisted I bring him here,” Jagger finally answered, supporting Ryder under his left arm to help hold him upright. Ryder wasn’t drunk off his ass but he was definitely feeling no pain.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“’Cause I need ta see ya,” Ryder slurred, shoving Jagger away from him. “Ya need ta stahhhh . . . stop ignorin’ me, toots.”

Kena tapped my shoulder.Toots?She rubbed at her eyes, smiling at me and then down at the sight on the street.

“Sorry for waking you, baby,” Jagger shouted, louder than he needed to. He’d been drinking as well, but not nearly as much as his buddy next to him.

“Go home,” I said, leaning back into my room. As my hands came up to pull down the window, Ryder started shouting.

“Woman! If you don’t let me inside I’m gonna bust down your front door.”

“No he won’t,” Jagger jumped in, having the decency to look somewhat embarrassed.

“I will. I’ll da . . . do it.”


“’Cause you won’t get outta here,” Ryder confessed, pointing to his head before taking several steps toward our front door. Within seconds the pounding started. Jagger was still under the streetlight, shaking his head and shrugging when Ryder just wouldn’t let up.

“Fine, but stop banging. We do have neighbors, you know.”

“I don’t shit.”

“I’m sure you do,” Jagger razzed, laughing full-on when Ryder tried to swing at him, almost falling on his ass.