Page 74 of Ryder

“I wouldn’t change a thing, though. Kaden can have all of Sully’s attention as long as she continues to smile like she has been.”

“When we gonna start this shindig?” Ryder interjected, fast approaching and pulling me into a half hug once he was near.

“Yeah, let’s go, brother. What’s the matter? You got cold feet?” Jagger was only joking. If anyone besides Marek knew that Addy was my fuckin’ life, it was him.

“Funny,” I responded, giving him a half hug as well. Slinging the diaper bag over my shoulder, I clapped my hands together. “Let’s get me married, boys.”

As I walked toward the grounds behind the clubhouse that had been set up for the ceremony, I couldn’t help but think of how lucky I’d been to finally convince Addy to be mine. There were times I was sure she’d second-guessed her decision, but I couldn’t’ve been happier that she stuck it out, giving me two healthy and beautiful children to boot.

The woman was absolutely amazing, and in no time at all, she’d legally belong to me.

To cherish and love for the rest of my undeserving life.


Looking from person to person as my father walked me down the makeshift aisle, I smiled, my heart overflowing with happiness that everyone had made it to celebrate with Stone and me.

“You sure you want to marry him?” my father asked. At first, I thought he was serious. I turned to him to ask him why he’d said such a thing, but then I caught the gleam in his eyes. “Lincoln is a good man, honey.” He refused to call him Stone, always using his given name. “I know I didn’t want to see it at first, but that was only because I wanted to keep you safe. But he’s proven to me that he can take care of you, and my grandchildren. I’m proud to call him my son-in-law.” He smiled. “Just don’t tell him.”

I laughed, tears welling in my eyes as I leaned into him. “You’re gonna make me ruin my makeup, Dad.” He kissed my temple, neither of us breaking our stride. Catching a glance of my new stepmother, who was holding the baby, I whispered, “Camille looks beautiful. How did you get so lucky?”

“I have no idea,” he confessed, a wide smile on his face as their eyes connected. My father had remarried six months before, and I couldn’t be happier. She was a lovely woman who’d brought happiness back into his life, so I’d accepted her right away. She never cringed or shied away whenever my father and I spoke of my mother, instead encouraging us to share our memories of her.

I made sure to take my time walking to meet my future husband, partly because I loved to make the man sweat, but also because I wanted to take the time to appreciate the group of people who’d become so intricate in my life.

Cutter sat next to who I’d learned was his daughter, Kalista, and her husband, Eli. From what I understood, their relationship had been nonexistent. Because of the danger that had surrounded the club, he’d chosen to keep her out of his life, only coming to reveal that he was her father when she’d mistakenly walked into the club’s bar, The Underground, years back. Out of all the men of the Knights Corruption, I knew the least about Cutter. He kept to himself, a quiet man, but I knew he’d suffered a great loss when Breck was killed. So the fact that he’d chosen to open up communication with his daughter made me happy.

Another two steps closer to my man and I saw Hawke and Edana cuddled close to each other, her head resting on his shoulder as he whispered something in her ear, turning his eyes back on me right afterward. He winked, and the smile that lit up his face was one I hadn’t seen before. He’d been depressed over the breakdown in their relationship, the dynamics drastically changing after her attack, but now that she was back, they both looked happier.

Next was Ryder and Braylen. The two of them were made for each other. In fact, they reminded me a bit of Stone and me. He was a pain in the ass most times, and she made sure to tell him about himself. There was a great love between them, though. One that anyone could see as soon as they saw them together. His daughter, Zoe, sat at the end of the aisle, the cutest girl I’d ever seen—next to Riley, of course. I wondered if he and Braylen would have one of their own soon, the way he watched her holding Kaden for Sully making me think the answer would be yes. Then again, maybe I simply had baby fever, so in love with my own children that I wanted everyone to be blessed with them.

Smiling at my thoughts, my eyes connected with Jagger and Kena. I really liked him, and she was his perfect match. She wasn’t as ballsy as her sister, but she still didn’t take any crap from him. Then again, he didn’t give her much to worry about. I’d been the one responsible for him learning sign language. Okay, I hadn’t taught him myself, but I’d orchestrated the training to occur between him and Sully, essentially threatening Marek so he’d let it happen. I wasn’t delusional; I knew if the leader of the Knights Corruption refused, the only thing I could’ve done was pester Stone so badly he would’ve had to convince Marek otherwise. The two of them smiled lovingly toward me, and it wasn’t until I was closer that I noticed Jagger rubbing her left hand. Her ring finger, to be exact. When I looked up, he widened his eyes and grinned.

A few more steps and I saw Tripp and Reece, their adorable son, Luke, cuddled close to his mother. When Tripp’s gaze met mine, he flashed me the biggest grin. What could I say? The man had a special place in my heart. I’d been the one who nursed him back to health after he’d been shot and left for dead in front of the club’s gates. We’d formed a friendship, a special bond during that time. And although we never had any feelings toward each other, he loved to give Stone a hard time, pretending he was hitting on me. My man had finally calmed down some when Tripp met Reece, and he saw how hard his brother fell for the woman. Reece had escaped an abusive relationship, and I was beyond happy that’d she’d met someone who could love and protect her as fiercely as Tripp could.

My uncle, Trigger, was busy bouncing Riley on his lap when he turned his head to watch my father and me walking toward him. Just the sight of him made me miss my mother more so than normal, the resemblance between them uncanny. They’d shared the same almond-shaped eyes and full cheeks, along with the same shade of brown hair, although my uncle’s was mostly gray these days.

Thankfully, my father and uncle had ended whatever feud had kept them apart over the years and started talking again, right after Riley was born. My mother’s brother was ferociously protective over me, even going so far as shooting Stone when he’d first found out about our relationship. It took me a little while to forgive him for that, but I knew his actions had been driven by his love for me, as well as some unspoken code amongst the men of the club, a code Stone trampled all over in order to be with me. My uncle had only started to accept Stone after the birth of our daughter, although he continued to give my man a hard time every now and then.

When we’d finally made it to the front of everyone gathered, I passed my bouquet of red roses to Sully, who’d readily agreed to be my matron of honor, her husband standing next to Stone, clasping him on the shoulder while giving me a slight nod and a smile.

My soon-to-be husband took a step toward me and reached for my hand, my father kissing my cheek before releasing me. Two of the most important men in my life shook hands, mutual respect emanating from them both.

“I can’t wait to get you naked,” Stone whispered in my ear before ushering me to stand in front of Father Houston, the priest who’d come to marry us, the same one who’d performed Riley’s baptism.

The flush of my cheeks made Stone laugh. No one had heard what he’d said to me, but one look at my face and they could surely guess.

As I faced the love of my life, barely listening to the priest as he talked, autopilot kicking in as we repeated our vows to each other, I lost myself to Stone’s piercing gaze.

So much had happened during our relationship, both good and bad, but we’d persevered.

Fate could’ve dealt us a different hand altogether.

Cancer could’ve stolen my life.

Stone could’ve been killed, multiple times over the course of the past couple years.

But none of that happened. Instead, I was given my happily ever after—the man of my dreams, and two wonderful children I loved more than life itself.