Frustration fueled my emotions, switching from shock and fear for what I’d been through to an unbearable need to protect my sister from the man who’d attacked me.
Barreling out of the house, I jumped back in my car and took off toward Ryder’s, trying him again as well. When my calls continued to go unanswered, I tossed my cell on the passenger seat and concentrated on getting to Ryder’s as fast as possible.
As it turned out, he wasn’t home either. Slumping down on his front porch steps, I cradled my head in my hands and finally allowed myself to release what I’d been feeling as soon as that bastard had left the salon. Tears rushed down my cheeks, the adrenaline of trying to find Kena finally wearing off. My body trembled until I expelled every last bit of anxiety swirling inside me. Minutes later, I gathered myself, wiped away the rest of my tears and headed back toward my car.
There was only one other place I could check. I just hoped I remembered how to get there.
Stone and his woman stopped by to talk to Marek before heading out to shop for more baby stuff. Adelaide was just over four months pregnant, and the bigger she got, the more Stone had a permanent look of worry imprinted on his face. The last time she found out she was pregnant, she also found out she had ovarian cancer, and while she was now in remission, the fear was there that the disease could always return.
The club’s VP cradled his daughter, Riley, close to his chest when they’d approached and saw that there was a ball of fur on my lap, resting peacefully from a very trying and dramatic day. I’d told them both all about what had happened, and that was when Adelaide recommended Dr. Rubin. Of course, she fussed over the little guy, petting him and then stealing him from me, showing him to Riley before finally handing him back a few minutes later.
Luckily, the vet’s office was able to take me on short notice, especially after I gave them a rundown of what had happened. The doctor confirmed the puppy was in good health, and a purebred to boot. A border collie. He also placed him at around six weeks, exactly what I’d guessed.
I had just been coming back from the bathroom, Hawke watching over the dog in my absence, when I heard a commotion outside. Before any of us could find out what it was, the door burst open and in ran Braylen, her blonde hair wild and matching the look in her eyes.
Rushing forward, I reached her in no time, my eyes landing on her neck, the skin discolored from forming bruises.
“What happened?” I yelled, gently touching her throat. She flinched, which only served to infuriate me. Not at her but at whoever dared to put their hands on her. Every passing second restricted my breathing, a fierceness racing through my veins the likes of which I hadn’t felt in a very long time. “Who did this?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed. Braylen looked around the room before giving me her attention. “Where’s Kena?”
“I have no idea. She’s probably with Jagger.”
“Where is he?” She was frantic.
I shook my head, looking to Stone before turning toward Marek, who’d been hanging out in the doorway of Chambers.
“Anyone know where the hell Jagger’s at?” I asked.
“I’ll call him,” Marek offered, reaching for his phone and dialing Jagger’s number right away. After the third try, he’d finally gotten through. “Where you at?” Seconds of silence. “Is Kena with you? Then get to the clubhouse ASAP.” Another second of silence. “Now, and make sure to keep an eye out on the way here.” Our prez tossed his phone on the table next to him and said, “They’re on their way.”
I saw Braylen relax a little, but she was still freaked out, and I couldn’t blame her. “Tell me exactly what happened,” I coaxed, guiding her to the couch to take a seat. I kicked Hawke’s leg for him to move and he got up, walking over to the bar without complaint. Crouching in front of her, I hooked my fingers under her chin and raised her head. She flinched but then steadied herself as soon as she looked at me.
“Sorry,” she whispered, a lone tear coating her cheek. Wiping it away, she began telling me, and everyone standing around us, what happened to her. “I was closing up early at the salon when a guy came in. I didn’t see him at first because my back was to him, and by the time I turned around, it was too late.”
I couldn’t help it. My anger bubbled forth before I could halt it. “Why were you there by yourself, and why didn’t you lock the door?”
“Ryder,” Adelaide warned, frowning at my brief snap of interrogation. “Stop.” Her voice was softer on her last command.
Taking a breath, I nodded at Braylen, silently asking her to continue.
“He wrapped his hands around my throat and pushed me against the wall. And then when he tried to take off my jeans . . . I really thought. . . .” Her gaze drifted away as if lost to the horrific ordeal all over again.
“Fuck,” I growled, my hands instantly curling into tight fists. My outburst threw her back into the moment. She fiddled with the bottom of her shirt, not quite knowing what to do with herself. When another tear appeared, I placed my hands over hers and tried to soothe her, letting her know I was there and no one was gonna hurt her.
“What did he look like?” Stone asked, approaching from the side. “Did he say anything specific?”
“Back up,” I warned, throwing him a threatening look before hoisting myself off my haunches and taking the seat directly next to Braylen.
“We need to know, Ryder,” Stone rasped, taking a step back when he saw I was about to lose my shit. Adelaide placed her hand on Stone’s arm and gently shook her head as if to tell him to wait.
Braylen started speaking, answering Stone’s questions before I could ask her anything of my own. “He was tall and skinny, shoulder-length gray-brown hair with facial scars. One long nasty one from here to here,” she said, running her finger from her mouth to her forehead. She took a moment before continuing, glancing from each person present to the next before opening her mouth again. “He said something about you taking out their president, so now they’re gonna wipe out every last one of you.”
Shivers racked her body, but when I slung my arm over her, offering her comfort and protection, she leaned into me. I was wrought with guilt from not protecting her from that asshole, but I sure as hell wouldn’t make that mistake again. “Oh, and there was another guy with him, standing by the door.” Turning to face me, she uttered, “They know all about me and you . . . and Kena. How do they about my sister?” Her voice became panicked, and streams of tears began to fall again.