“Hi, yourself.” Trying to peer around him, he moved every time Idid. “What do you have behind your back?”
“Your anniversary present.”
“Alek, we said we weren’t going to exchange presents. That ourlove was—” He cut me off before I could finish.
“Our love is enough, but there was no way I wasn’t buying my wifea gift on our first wedding anniversary.” I walked away and disappeared intothe closet. “Sara, come back here. Don’t be mad.”
Reappearing in front of him, I held my gift behind my back. “Iknew you were going to ignore the rule. So, I did as well.”
“You know you didn’t have to do that, baby. Your love reallyisenough for me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I teased. “Who wants to go first?” I asked,suddenly becoming nervous.
“Ladies first.”
I brought my hand around to the front of me and handed him mygift. Watching his face as he opened it was nerve-racking. It wasn’t anythingworth monetary value. Would he like it? Would he understand the significance ofit?
Before I could succumb to my frantic nerves, he ripped the paperoff, turned it over and stared at his present. He was silent. I scanned hisface to see his reaction but he was expressionless. Until I noticed his eyessuddenly became glassy. I knew he recognized the sentimental value of what I’dgiven him.
“Do you remember it?” I asked, my own emotions almost becomingtoo much.
He looked up and smiled. “Yes. It was the picture yourgrandmother had of you in her room. This,” he said, holding the frame in theair, “wasthe first time I ever saw you.” He’d becomeoverwhelmed at my simple but meaningful present, and it made my heart soar.
So therewassomethingI could give the man who had everything.
“Did you have it the whole time?” He continued to stare at it indisbelief.
“I did, but I didn’t know it. I was going through some of mygram’s things a while back and came across it. As soon as I found it, I knew Iwas going to give it to you for our anniversary. I hoped you’d like it.” Ismiled as he pulled me close.
“I love it. It’s the best present I’ve ever received. Ever,” herepeated.
Before he made me cry, his eyes still overcome with emotion, Iasked, “Is it my turn now?”
“Yes, of course. Please, let me know if you don’t like it. I canreturn it and pick something else.”
“Hand it over, Mr. Devera,” I demanded. He brought the giftaround and placed it in my hand.
“Do you think you could call me that later tonight? In bed?” Helaughed.
“Call you what? Mr. Devera?” When he only laughed harder, Icouldn’t distinguish if he was serious or not.
Pulling my attention back to the surprise in my hand, I slowlyopened the box until my eyes feasted on a gorgeous diamond pendant, in theshape of a heart. “Alek, it’s so beautiful,” I gushed. The stone was large, butnot so much it detracted from the flawless beauty of the necklace. When Iturned it over, I saw he had something engraved into the back of it.
To my heart, my love and my soulmate. I’ll love youforever.
“It’s nothing compared to what you just gave me, but I thoughtyou would like it.”
Cupping his cheek, I assured him his gift to me was as touching. Hethought of me as he shopped for my present, knowing me so well, he’d been ableto pick the perfect gift. “This is the best present anyone has ever given me. Ever,”I said, squeezing his hand in mine.
“Even better than the Audi?” He was teasing me and I knew it.
“Even better than the Audi,” I answered, giving him a quick kissbefore placing the necklace on my dresser. I was going to wear it that evening,and I wanted it out in the open to gaze at while I dressed.
After a fantastic dinner out, we made our way to Throttle for aquick drink before returning home, no doubt to engage in a night of ecstasy.
We were heading through the crowd when we spotted Matt, sittingat the bar. He looked to be alone, but there were so many people around him, itwas hard to tell. As the crowd shifted, I took notice of a beautiful womanwalking toward my dear friend. She smiled brightly as she drew near. Who wasshe? When I looked back to Matt, I noticed he was just as happy to see her.