Plus, I forever felt like a third wheel, even though both of themassured me it wasn’t the case. I knew they were concerned about me, but Ideclined most of their invitations because I not only wanted to be alone, but Ialso wanted to give them some time together. I knew, as much as anyone, howimportant the first stages of a new relationship were. Getting to know eachother, even learning how to deal with the stubborn parts of the other person’spersonalities were obstacles best done alone.
And those two sure had their work cut out for them. Braden was akind man, but he was pretty intense, sometimes acting as if his word was law. Alexawas stubborn in her own right, sticking to her guns each time he was actinglike an ass. Yeah, they definitely had their trying times to deal with but theyseemed to really care about one another, despite all of the other noise.
“Well, it’s a great place. Your friend should be proud of hisaccomplishment,” I offered.
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Here comes the man ofthe hour now.” I wasn’t paying attention until Braden stood from his seat, walkedaway from our table and shook hands with someone. When he moved out of the wayand I’d gotten a glimpse of who he was talking to, I’d felt as if I’d beensucker-punched in the gut.
My eyes were as big as saucers, but they were nothing compared tohow far wide my mouth had fallen.
Kael was staring right at me as he approached our table.What the hell?How does Braden know him?The next thought in my head, of course, was if Alek was there, as well. I knewwhat good friends they were so I wouldn’t be surprised to see him, even thoughit was the last thing I wanted.
“Sara, how are you?” Kael politely asked.
“Fine, thank you. And you?” I fidgeted in my chair, glancingaround everywhere to see ifhewas there.
In the midst of my roving eyes, I landed on Alexa’s face, whichwas one of pure confusion. She leaned over the table, curiosity getting thebetter of her. “How do you know Braden’s friend?” she whispered.
I wasn’t sure if I could answer her while holding back the rushof emotion which was sure to spill over. Trying to calm myself, I was able to finallygive her something. “Kael is good friends with Alek.” I blew out a nervousbreath so loud, I was surprised no one at the table made a comment.
“Oh,” was all she could say, obviously realizing the same thing Idid just moments before. The enormity of the situation wasn’t lost on eitherone of us.
Once the introductions were finished, Kael asked to speak to mein private.
He started first, mainly because I didn’t even know what to say. “Howare you doing, Sara? Really?” Such a loaded question. One I wasn’t comfortableanswering. His loyalty fell to Alek and the last thing I wanted to do was puthim in an awkward position, finding himself on the side of defending hisasshole of a friend. But hewasgoingout of his way to talk to me, so the least I could do was give him a truthfulanswer.Maybe I’ll leave the name-callingfor another time.
“Honestly?” He nodded. “I’ve been better.” It was all I wascomfortable saying right then. My curt response said enough. I wanted so badlyto ask him if Alek was going to be there, but I didn’t want him to think I wasstill hung up on him. Not knowing what guys talked about, I worried he wouldrun back and tell him everything I said.
“I told him he was making the biggest mistake ever letting you go,but he didn’t want to listen to me.” He looked a little uncomfortable, but hestarted it, so I was going to finish it. Plus, it would be nice to release someof my anger onto someone other than poor Alexa.
“Well, I’m sure Cora was only too pleased he broke it off withme.” Saying her name was torture on my tongue, acid to my ears.
“Cora? His ex-fiancée? What does she have to do with any ofthis?” The look of confusion on his face was priceless. His good pal obviouslydidn’t tell him everything.
“She was at his house the night he broke up with me. Well, hedidn’t actually say the words. No, he wasn’t man enough. He simply stood there,not saying a damn thing. I left and never heard from him again. Well, up untila week ago when he apologized but not saying exactly what for. Thankfully, Iwas able leave before he humiliated me with more lies.”
Kael still looked confused, not quite sure what he should andshouldn’t say to me. I understood, guy code and all that. He didn’t want tooverstep, but at the same time he looked like he wanted to offer me somecomfort, a small slice of revelation and relief.
“He’s not back with Cora, so I’m not even sure what all that wasabout, Sara.” He glanced around, making sure there was no one else nearby to hearour private conversation. “He broke it off with you because the sheer guilt aboutthe things which have happened to you while he was in your life, up-close andpersonal, were too much to bear. He thought by letting you go, he could betterprotect you. Like he did before he met you.” Before I could even comprehend theimpact of his words, he blurted out, “That’s why you guys are no longertogether. I tried to talk him out of it numerous times, mostly when he wasslumped over his couch, drunk as a skunk. He’s not doing well, Sara, and if hesees you here tonight, I fear something bad will happen.”
Was he telling me the truth? What reason would he have to lie tome? But more than anything, the one comment I chose to focus on wasHe’s not doing well, Sara, and if he seesyou here tonight, I fear something bad will happen.“Well, I’m not goinganywhere, Kael. I don’t owe him a damn thing, so I couldn’t give a rat’s ass ifhe’s pissed I’m here.What’s he going todo? Throw me out? He doesn’t own this place, you do.”
“Well…”Oh, no. Please,don’t say it.Please, don’t let whatI think he’s going to say leave his mouth.“He’s the other owner of Verdana,so he can do whatever he wants.” Before I panicked, he calmed me down byputting my mind at ease. Well, kind of. “He’s not going to kick you out, Sara. That’snot what I meant. I meant, once he knows you’re here, he’s probably going to drinktoo much and do or say something stupid. But it’s not anything I can’t handle. Godknows I’ve had enough practice over the past few months.”
He reached out and touched my arm, giving me a half-smile to letme know he realized what an ass his friend was, but all the while beingcompassionate to the situation.Why wasKael always the one telling me the important info? First, about Alek havingbeen engaged before and now, the reason why he pushed me out of his life.
“I have to return to my table.” Our conversation was over. I sawno need to drag it out any further.
“Sure thing.” He huffed out a quick breath, fidgeting a little beforespeaking again. “I’ll do my best to keep you two apart from each other sotonight goes off without a hitch.”
“Thanks, Kael. Really, thank you. For everything. I know Alek isyour friend, and I appreciate the kindness you’ve shown me. It means more thanyou’ll ever know.”And it really did. Hewas a good man. Adara was a lucky woman. Then it hit me. I couldn’t believe I hadn’tthought about her before. “Is Adara going to be here tonight, as well?” I washoping for a familiar face, someone who would no doubt take my side.
“She’ll be here but not until later. I’ll be sure to tell her tofind you if you guys are still here.”
“Okay. Thanks again.” I turned and walked back toward our table,my energy level fully depleted. Once I sat down, Alexa was all over me,desperate to find out what happened.
“Are you okay? Is there going to be a problem? Should we leave?” Shewas so anxious, not wanting to expose me to another situation so soon after ourlast encounter.
“No. Everything is fine. I’m okay and we’re not going anywhere. I’mnot going to let him run me out of here.” She had no idea what I was talkingabout. The only thing she knew was that Alek was friends with Kael, who alsohappened to be Braden’s friend. She didn’t know Alek was co-owner, as well. AndI wasn’t about to tell her right then because she would insist we leave. Bradenwould no doubt agree with her.