Page 34 of Wanted

“It’s okay,” I assured them both, all the while continuing tolook directly at Alek. “He’ll move because he doesn’t want to cause a scene andupset me. Right, Alek?” His name sounded foreign on my tongue.

“Yeah, sure,” he asserted. A few seconds later, he moved over andallowed all of us to pass by. Braden knocked into Alek’s shoulder, sneering athim the entire time.

Note to self: don’t get onBraden’s bad side.

Once outside, Braden informed us he was going to bring his cararound. Thank goodness we didn’t have to wait for a cab. The faster I got outof there, the better.

We weren’t outside for twenty seconds before Alek came saunteringout of the bar, walking toward me with an intent look on his face.

Oh, God. I can’t do this. Ican’t do this.

Reaching for Alexa to help steady me, she looked confused untilshe saw what was happening. She was on him faster than I could even sayanything.

“Alek, don’t you dare,”she warned. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage? Do you get your kicksout of hurting my friend?” She took a step closer, the look on her face set tokill. “I suggest you leave before Braden gets back.”

Thank the heavens above Alexa didn’t reference him as herboyfriend. She let it hang out there as if he might’ve been with me.

“I need a minute to speak to you, Sara.” He didn’t even botherresponding to Alexa. He was solely focused on me, and nothing else.

I knew it was only a matter of minutes before we took off forhome, so I cut Alexa off before she started in on him again.

“It’s okay, Lex. We’re leaving soon anyway, so I’ll be okay.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks.” I gave her a faint smile, but the lookin my eyes told her I needed to talk to him.

“Okay. I’m right over here if you need me.” She squeezed myshoulder before turning her gaze back on the man in front of me. “I got my eyeon you, Devera, so don’t try anything funny.” She stepped back to give us someprivacy.

Standing up straight, I inhaled a big breath of air, hoping itwould give me the strength I needed right then. It was hard to look directly athim, but I mustered the courage in order to have my say and be done with it. “Whatcould you possibly have to say to me?”

He dove right in, realizing he didn’t have much time at all. “Sara,first I want to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you. I hope you believe itwas never my intention. I swear. Hurting you was the last thing I wanted todo.” When I opened my mouth to interject, he cut me off. “I know it’s so cliché,but it’s true. But I promise you thereisa good reason for it.”

“Yeah, what might that be? What possible reason could you havehad to cut my heart out and stomp all over it?” Anger gripped my insides,threatening to explode all over him if he didn’t end our little conversationsoon.

Having the decency to know I was ready to erupt, he looked awayquickly before catching my eye again. “Do you think we can go somewhere andtalk? If you give me a chance, I can explain everything.” When he saw the blanklook on my face, he faltered. But it didn’t last long before he was back at it.“I’m so sorry,” he said, reaching out to touch my hand. “If you just give methe chance to explain, I can make it all right.”

Instant flashbacks bombarded me. I was in the same exactpredicament with him before when he was begging for a chance to explain why I’dfound a file full of pictures of me in his possession. “Boy, isn’t this déjàvu?” I chided, a disgusted look contorting my face.

He at least had the decency to look embarrassed, knowing fullwell he was always asking a lot from me, putting me through the emotional wringer.

“I know…I know. But please, I need you to trust me.”

I’d had enough, and if I didn’t tell him exactly what I thoughtof him, I was going to end up taking out my anger on everyone else besides theperson who deserved it.

“Trust you?” I bellowed. “Why thefuckwould I ever trust you again? You can rot in Hell for all Icare. The hate I have for you helps me sleep at night.” Somewhere along theway, my hands had clenched into tight balls, my fingernails digging into the fleshof my palms in order to keep from ripping his face off. “How about you, Alek? Howdo you sleep at night knowing you messed up the best thing to ever happen toyou?”

I was lying. I didn’t hate him. I loved him, but I would never utterthe words. I would not play the victim and let him see how much he hurtme.No, I wouldn’t give him thesatisfaction. I cried in front of him once when he broke my heart, on the stepsof his home three months back. I wouldn’t do it again. Anger was my new bestfriend, and I was going to lean on it to help me through my encounter with him.

Not knowing what else to do, he crushed the distance between us,all the while whispering, “I’m so sorry, baby.” I knew if I ever allowed him totouch me, I would be in big trouble. I talked a good game, but I was a mess onthe inside. And like a predator, he knew it. For every step he took toward me,I took one back, until eventually my body was pressed against a car parked onthe sidewalk.

Great! I’m trapped.

He placed an arm on either side of me, resting his hands on thehood of the vehicle, effectively caging me in. He was so close to me, his warmbreath fanned across my heated face. I’d cried too many tears over Alek only tobe undone with one of his soul-searching stares.

“Baby,” he pleaded, his eyes offering up his sincerest apologies.

Don’t look at him.Avertingmy eyes, I glanced everywhere but at the man in front of me. But there came apoint when I could no longer ignore him. When my eyes locked back on his,something happened. Something I was trying to avoid but was powerless to stop. Theway he looked at me washed away the past months without him. My entire worldceased to exist, ultimately leaving me defenseless against him. He was my drug,and I hadn’t realized how much I was itching for a fix until he was so daringlyclose to me.