Page 29 of Wanted

“Sara, what are you doing here?” I was shocked she’d showed up solate but then again, I didn’t blame her. It wouldn’t have taken me long tobarge in on her if the roles were reversed, and she was the one who was constantlyblowing me off. I knew she wanted to give me some space, most likely believingthe whole time I would work through whatever shit I was dealing with. “How didyou get past the gate?”

Clearly my question was rude because the look on her face told meso. “It was open."Taking a deep breath, she continued with, “Iknow we haven’t spoken a lot recently, but we really need to talk, Alek. Enoughis enough already. I need to know what the hell is going on between us.” Abrief look of relief washed over her, and I was positive it was because she’dfinally been able to broach the subject I’d been avoiding. I remained silent,not quite sure what to do or say.

She started to speak again but stopped abruptly.

Sara was no longer looking at me but instead at something behindme. Or should I saysomeonebehindme? It was then I realized Cora was the someone she was staring at.

Sara’s body instantly tensed, her breathing becoming shallow andrushed. Her hands clenched at her sides as she tried to control the wave ofemotions rushing over her. She glanced back and forth between Cora and me,stopping to take in my half-naked, disheveled body. When her eyes finallyrested on my face, she silently pleaded for an explanation. However, I couldn’tgive her one. I had no idea what Cora was doing there, but it didn’t reallymatter. Knowing what was obviously running through Sara’s mind was enough toput a shadow of doubt on our relationship. And in that moment, I did somethingI would soon regret.

I let her assume the worst.

It was a coward’s way out, I knew. But I thought if she hated me,it would make it easier on her in the long run. Anger was always better than abroken heart. While fury would fuel her to push forward, a broken heart woulddevastate her.

It didn’t take long before her eyes turned cold.

Hurt and resentment danced with sadness and rage.

The woman standing before me was quickly becoming someone I didn’trecognize, and I hated the fact I was the man responsible.

“Sara…” I only called out her name. Nothing more. There was somuch I wanted to say to her, but I didn’t.

While I knew her heart was breaking, she remained stoic, simplystepping closer. Tears had broken free and cascaded down her cheeks. Then I sawthe emotion in her eyes switch to full-on anger. “I hate you!” she seethedbefore turning and fleeing to her car.

I knew she meant what she said. She truly hated me.

Join the club. I hatemyself right about now.

My soul ached. None of my actions could justify hurting her theway I had, and it wasn’t only that night. I’d slowly been withdrawing from her,tearing open her heart and confusing the hell out of her. I made her second-guessour relationship. I even made her second-guess my love for her.

I flip-flopped back and forth so many times about what I shoulddo.

Well, it seemed my decisionwas just made for me.

I could only hope in time she would forgive me, and althoughanger was the better emotion to have then, I hoped it didn’t end up consumingher.

Once I closed the door, I spun around only to catch Cora leeringat my naked chest. The woman was unbelievable. I was still in shock she showedup at my house.

Without giving me the time to mourn the loss of my relationship,Cora started in with her shit.

“You should know Sara and I had a little chat today.” Shesmirked.

No. She didn’t say what Ithink she did. The alcohol is messing with me.

The sneer on her face challenged me.

“What the fuck did yousay?”

Noticing the look of pure rage on my face caused her to retreat. Shestuttered over her next words. “I went…t…to see her today at her little s…shop.”She was pissed I’d made her stumble over her words, so she squared hershoulders before continuing with the rest of her story. “I told her we wereback together, so she should leave you alone.”

She knew her mistake as soon as the last syllable left her lyinglips.

My movements were too quick for her to react.Snatching her up, I crushed her bony body tomine. We were practically nose to nose. Gripping her arms tight, I yelled inher face. “You…bitch! Don’t you EVER step foot near her again. Do youunderstand me? EVER!” I’d never raised a hand to a woman in my life, but I wasfinding it difficult to control myself. All I wanted to do was squeeze the lifefrom her. After everything she’d done to me, she added hurting Sara to herlist. Although, I could add myself into that category, as well.

“Alek, you’re hurting me.” She tried to struggle in my grasp, butit was useless. I made sure to hold on to her longer so she knew how serious Iwas.

As soon as I released her, she stumbled backward. “Alek, baby. Ithink we owe it to ourselves to give our relationship another try and work thisout. We were so good together. And I’m sorry…about everything. Please.”

This bitch is crazy.