I was excited about the upcoming weekend.Alek was taking me away to California on one of his business trips.He promised me we could do whatever we wanted.And I was definitely in the mood for some sunshine, ocean and reclusiveness with my man.
I was going to tell him I loved him while we were away.I tried to speak the words before but he’d fallen asleep, and there was no way I was going to say them when he couldn’t hear me.
I had loved him for quite a while, and I thought it only fair he be privy to that information.Warmth encased my heart at the thought I was going to open up that part of myself to him.And I know he’ll keep it safe…and protected.
Alek had informed me all arrangements for my shop had been made.At first, I was a little miffed but the more I thought about it, I viewed it as a win.The simple fact Matt and Alek could talk, let alone make a plan together was huge progress.So I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.I’d take it and run with it.
I needed to run a last-minute errand, a little lingerie surprise for our getaway.I was able to give Brian the slip, and I was giddy I actually pulled it off.I knew Alek wasn’t going to be too happy, but I would be seeing him soon enough.And once he saw the reason for my escape, I was sure he would forgive me instantly.
It was getting late and the sun had officially gone down for the evening.Walking back toward my car, I thought I heard a noise behind me.I turned quickly and found nothing but my overactive imagination.
Relax, Sara.You’re working yourself up over nothing.Damn Alek and his constant paranoia to keep me safe.
I clicked the key fob to unlock my doors as I approached the driver’s side.The interior light from the car provided me with some sort of relief, the darkness surrounding me a little overwhelming.
As I attempted to open my door, my keys slipped from my fingers and fell to the ground.I was trying to juggle my purse, drink and the packages I’d purchased, and it proved to be too much.
Great. As if I’m not freaked-out enough, I drop my keys.Isn’t that exactly what happens in the horror movies?The woman drops her keys, which allows the crazy psycho enough time to grab her?
What the hell, Sara.Stop freaking yourself out.Everything is fine.I had to think of something more pleasant before I got myself too worked up.
I retrieved my fallen keys and opened my door but before I could escape to safety, someone tugged on my arm.
I whipped my head around to see who it was, petrified for a split-second.Until I was met with the familiar sight of Brian.
“Jesus Christ, Brian!You scared the shit out of me.What the hell are you doing?”I didn’t mean to sound so harsh but he really did scare me.
“Nice play giving me the slip, Sara.You know Mr. Devera would have my head if he found out.If you value my life at all, you won’t do that to me again.”
I knew he was right.Alekwouldbe pissed at me but more so at him because he trusted him to watch out for me.
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts and the guilty feelings which washed over me at putting Brian’s job in jeopardy, I didn’t even see him approaching us.
A static fog enveloped me, freezing me in place.Everything around me moved as if in slow motion.
I saw him coming at us, yet I couldn’t do anything.
I couldn’t say anything.
I couldn’t even warn Brian.
Before my brain could even tell my mouth to move, speak the words which were so obviously caught in my throat, Brian was on the ground and taking me with him.An object crashed down upon his head, pushing him forward and catching my leg in the process.I fell to the ground right beside him
When I looked up, trying to make sense of what just happened, I was met withthoseeyes.
Those vacant, dark, soulless eyes.
His hair was different, longer and unkempt, as if he was trying to hide from everyone in plain sight.The longer I stared at him, the longer time seemed to stop.The only thoughts which flooded my brain were those from so long ago.It was as if nothing else had happened in my life.
No Seattle.
No new friends.
No new job.