Page 23 of Shattered

His hand rested on my lower back as he ushered me across the ballroom floor.Lightly running his thumb back and forth over the small area of naked skin, he teased me more than he knew.

Sensing his touch was slowly undoing me, he tried to reassure me.Certainly he knew how uncomfortable I was, even though I tried my best to blend in.Put on the face he needed.Show my undying support for the man who twisted up every emotion inside me.

As we approached the restrooms, he halted his steps and grabbed hold of my elbow.“Are you okay?” he asked, surely already knowing the answer.“I know most of these people can be a bit much, but you’re handling yourself like a champ.”

Because I didn’t wish to ruin an evening which was apparently important to him, I continued on with my farce.Plastering the best smile imaginable on my face, I raised my head and answered him.“I’m fine.Really.I’m all right.Don’t worry about me.”I relaxed a little, realizing I had told him the truth.With him by my side, he put all of my crazy fears and nervous anticipations to rest.I found I had the strength to do just about anything.

It was a strange feeling, one I’d been missing since before I left him.

No, before Iranfrom him.

My fake smile was replaced with a genuine one.

Leaning down, he gave me the sweetest kiss.The most reassuring gesture of faith.Faith I would be just fine.Not only that night but going forward with each day which lay ahead of me.

Of us.

“Do you want me to grab you a drink?For when you come back?”

“Sure.How about a glass of wine?”I was sure a nice glass of fermented grapes would help me cope with the barrage of stares which were going to continue to come my way.

“Absolutely.I’ll be waiting right here for you, so take your time.”

I exited the stall when I’d finished taking care of business and was in the middle of freshening my face when the door opened and closed behind me.Not giving it a second thought, I continued with reapplying my lip gloss.

I was mid-stroke when my body bristled with awareness.The area was certainly large enough, so I knew I wasn’t in anyone’s way, taking up too much space or any such silly notion. I glanced up into the mirror directly in front of me.My eyes connected with a blonde-haired woman, standing off to my left, glaring at me.

She was rather beautiful, her long hair cascading all around her, soft curls showcasing her glorious mane.Decked out in a long, tight, black gown, she surely caught the attention of most men.

Where my gown was sexy yet tasteful, hers defied all appropriateness.The dip in her gown showed too much of her breasts, threatening a nip slip if she moved the wrong way.But while her attire was questionable, I also knew she was wealthy.

Which was probably why she’d been able to pull off such a dress.


It forgave even the mistakes of fashion.

Her face looked familiar, but for some reason, I couldn’t place where I’d known her from.

The fact I couldn’t recall was upsetting.I didn’t want to appear rude, but then again that award would go to Miss Ignorant, who was boring holes of contempt straight through me.

What the hell is her problem?Are we wearing the same gown? No.Did Iaccidentallybump into her out on the floor?No.

How could I have known what the issue was when I simply didn’t know her?

“Can I help you with something?” I asked, acid weaving in my tone. The more she glowered at me, the more confident I was giving it right back to her.

“You’re here with Alek, right?”

Lightbulb went off.

That voice.

She was the woman who’d been hanging all over Alek at the bar the one time I’d run into him while out with Matt and Alexa.

What the hell is her name again? Lucinda?

“Yes, I am.But apparently from the obvious way you keep sneering at me, you don’t like that fact. Am I right?”I really didn’t need her to respond, the answer clearly written all over her scornful face.