“A man can dream, can’t he?”
Unfortunately, before our light banter could continue, our inappropriate waitress appeared again.“Would you like any dessert tonight?”The question was really only poised at me, since she didn’t glance in Sara’s direction when she asked.She couldn’t care less she was occupying the same table.
Before I could dismiss our rude server, words fell from Sara’s lips, causing me to stifle my laughter…and shock.
“Honey, are you trying to offer upyourselfas dessert to Mr. Devera?Because I can assure you he doesn’t want any of it.”She leaned closer to the intruder.“None at all.So, if you would simply give us the check, we will be on our way.”
I couldn’t help it.
I smiled.
The rude woman’s jaw hit the table, but she quickly gathered herself and stalked off in a huff.
“Wow.Where didthatcome from?” I dared to ask.There was no mistaking my pleasure at her outburst.It only drove home how much she cared, her jealousy like a stamp of ownership all over me.
“Sorry. I normally wouldn’t say anything, but I couldn’t take her brazenness one more second.I simply had to say something.I mean, come on, she was being so freaking obvious, coming on to you every time she came over here.”
I continued to smile, shaking my head in amusement.
“What?” she asked, confusion plastered all over her face.She looked so beautiful, trying to hide a cluster of emotions.Our waitress had clearly riled her up, anger dancing on her brow.But confusion was there also, mainly at me.I was sure she wanted to know what I’d found so funny.
“I like the fact you’re jealous over me.It makes me feel good.Makes me feel wanted.”
There was no time for her to respond because we’d been interrupted once again.Out of the corner of my eye, I’d seen the waitress talking to the manager.He’d come over in a hurry to give me the bill, no doubt trying to quell any forthcoming issue.
Quickly glancing down at the piece of paper, I grabbed a wad of bills from my wallet and threw everything back in the receipt holder.
“If you’re the owner, why are you paying for the meal?Can’t you write if off or something?”
“If I didn’t pay for anything at any of my businesses, well, I wouldn’t have any money, I suppose.”I smiled again, stood up and held my hand out for her.When her fingers touched my palm, I’d felt a warmth only she could give me.It was wonderful.Magical even, although I didn’t think I’d ever used such a word in my entire life.
As we walked toward the front door, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close, kissing her temple.What I’d really wanted to do was claim her mouth, but I’d thought better of it, not wanting to act too fast too soon.
On the drive home, all I could think about was how to make things right between us again.I was trying my best to do the whole nice-and-slow dance, but it was driving me insane.I hated that I’d fucked up so much her trust in me had been shaken.But I’d do whatever it took to make her fully come back to me, trusting me once more.
I had to go away again for business, hating to leave her alone, now more than ever.She was still fragile and if someone said the wrong thing to her, warning her against giving me another shot, I didn’t know what I’d do.
Hell, I don’t even know if she told anyone about what happened.Other than Alexa, of course.
“I’ll be away until Saturday.But as soon as I come back, we’ll make plans to shop for your dress.Sound good?” I asked, glancing to my right, her profile making my heart beat faster.
Her eyes connected with mine.“Yeah.”
My second-favorite four letter word.
The days flew by in a blur.Full Bloom and Alek had kept me quite busy.True to his promise, he took me to purchase a beautiful gown for his charity event.Thankfully, he tore the dress from my hands and gave it to the clerk before I’d had the opportunity to look at the price tag.He knew me well enough to figure out I was going to argue with him about buying it if I’d seen the cost.
The beautiful garment hung in my closet.Each time I saw it, butterflies danced in my belly.I promised him I would go with him, but as the days crept up, the more nervous I became.I never thought on it too long, always closing the closet door quickly, trapping the gown inside, along with my nerves.
Until the next time I opened it, of course.
My initial anger toward Alek and the secret he kept from me was dissipating, knowing in my heart he was only doing what he thought was right.He’d promised to never lie to me again, and I took him at his word.