“I wasn’t stalking you, Sara, and I think you know it.I was only trying to make sure you were safe at all times.”
“All right, I understand it wasn’t stalking, per se, but still.How would you feel if you learned someone had been following you for eight years and you knew nothing about it?” I asked, curious to hear what his response would be.
He cocked his head to the side and looked as if he was giving my question some serious thought.Then he said something I didn’t expect.
“I would feel sort of violated.”
I blanched, and not subtly.“Then why the hell are you making me feel as if my reaction is over-the-top?That I’m blowing this out of proportion?”
“I never once said you didn’t have a right to be upset.What I tried to remind you over and over was that everything I did was in your best interest, to keep you out of harm’s way.I know I sound like a broken record, Sara.But what’s done is done and I can’t change any of it, not that I would want to.”He mumbled something and gripped the wheel tight, expelling a long sigh.
“What did you say?”I could do nothing but stare at his perfect profile.How I was able to remain upset with the man, yet long for him to hold and kiss me all at the same time, baffled me.
“I said, this is the way it should have always been.I should have been at your side the entire time and not in the shadows.”He looked like a man riddled with regret, and I couldn’t help but feel for him.Damn all these emotions.
Soon, we were pulling up to the front of my apartment.
I wasn’t sure if he’d drop me off and leave or if he’d try to walk me up, like I knew he liked to do.
Shutting off his engine, he opened his car door, making his way around to help me from my seat.I have my answer.I chose to remain silent, a feat easier said than done.While I’d been crushed to find out Alek had some sort of crazy, possibly dangerous secret, I was never able to escape the way he made me feel.I’d thought about him all the damn time, so much it almost drove me insane.I wanted nothing more than to shut off all emotions toward him.But I couldn’t.
Now, it’s going to be even harder to escape the web he’s drawn me into.
The web of Alek.
How delicious yet precarious.
Walking me to my door, I turned to block his entry inside.He looked hurt, but I didn’t care.He’d get over it.Silence loomed between us, neither one really knowing what to say.We’d both had the chance to speak our minds, and everything was laid out there to be devoured and contemplated.
What either one of us was going to do, I’d had no idea.
“I know tonight was a lot for you, Sara.So, in light of everything, I’ll give you a week to try and process it all.”He leaned closer.“One week.”
Before I could respond, he placed his hands on either side of my face, drew me in to him and kissed me.
It was quick.
It was sweet.
It was filled with promises and hope.
I’d been true to my word.Seven long days and nights passed, and not once did I pick up the phone to call Sara.She needed the time I promised her, and I knew it.Although it killed me not to at least hear her voice, I knew she would never come back to me if I pushed too soon after revealing my secret.
But that day was the day I’d promised to go and get my woman.Well, I’d promised myself, never telling her anything beyond the fact I was willing to give her a week to sort everything out.
Making sure to finish up any outstanding business I had by two in the afternoon, I grabbed for my cell and dialed her number.
“Hello,” she answered, her voice music to my ears.I knew if she hadn’t wanted to speak to me, she would have never answered her phone, my name surely popping up on her screen to alert her.
“Hi, Sara.How are you?”
“Fine.How are you?”Okay, enough chit-chat.
“Fine, as well. Listen, I wanted to know if I could take you out for a late lunch.Are you hungry?”