Page 63 of Shattered

I wasn’t sure if Alek was upset or amused.His cocked brow was confusing me, and even the slight tilt of his lips wasn’t a clear-cut sign.He could’ve been holding back his anger for fear we would get into another disagreement.Or maybe the four drinks I’d had earlier were messing with my ability to see the situation for what it was.

Alek being Alek.

“So, you think Brian’s cute?” he asked, tugging me closer.

“Sure.If you like the ‘I could tear you apart with my bare hands’ look.”The lopsided grin on my face told him I wasn’t the one who took notice of the man’s looks. Although, as my best friend had mentioned earlier, hewaseasy on the eyes.Placing my lips over his, I muffled, “Alexa said he was cute, not me.”I didn’t want him to think I was gawking after my security detail.

He planted a quick kiss on my mouth before ushering me toward the front door.When I realized we were leaving, I stopped dead in my tracks, Alek slamming into the back of me.

“Jesus, Sara.What are you doing?” He tried to walk around me, linking his fingers with mine to pull me forward, but I didn’t move.

“No, I can’t leave her,” I repeated.

“I told you she’ll have a ride home.”

“No,” I repeated stubbornly.Crossing my arms over my chest, I leaned against the nearest wall, my lips pursed in annoyance.

Frustration poured off him as he stood his ground.Moving two steps closer, he placed his hands on my waist.“What do you want me to do?Do you want me to take her with us?Do you want me to have her call Broden?”

“Braden,” I corrected.

“Braden, Broden, who the hell cares?Do you want me to have her call him?”

“Can you go get her, please?”I was all over the place and was sure I was becoming quite the pain in the ass.All he was trying to do was take me home, yet I was obstinate at every turn.

But that’s what he gets for interrupting girls’ night.

Blowing out a deep breath, he actually went in search of my best friend.“Stay here,” he warned before he walked away from me.Knowing he wouldn’t leave me totally alone, I caught Brian propped against a table, not twenty feet from where I was standing.

Two minutes later, Alexa walked toward me with Alek in tow.

“Are you leaving, Sara?” she asked, but she already knew the answer to her question.

“Mr. Grumpy Pants wants to take me home.” I laughed.Alek shook his head behind Alexa, obviously finding my state of ill-repair a tad comical.At least he’s not flying off the handle and shouting out some of his crazy demands.Latching on to her hand, I pulled her in close so I could whisper in her ear.Or at least I thought I was whispering.“Do you want cute Brian to take you home, or are you going to call sexy Braden?”

“I can hear you,” Alek shouted.The look on his face made me laugh.

Not sure what was going to transpire, Alexa pulled out her cell phone and dialed her boyfriend’s number.She walked away while putting a finger in her ear, trying her best to block out some of the noise of the club.After only a minute, she hung up and headed back our way, grinning so big I knew her man was on his way.

Alek summoned Brian over with a simple wave of his hand.

“What do you need?” he asked, his eyes solely on the man who employed him to be there that evening.

“Stay here and make sure Alexa is picked up.Blend in with the crowd around you, though.I don’t want to cause any issues between her and this Braden guy.”Turning his head in my direction, he said, “Satisfied?Cute Brian is going to wait here until sexy Braden picks up your friend.”

I couldn’t help it.I busted out laughing.The way Alek mocked my earlier words was too much to contain a straight face.

He nodded toward Brian, indicating we were leaving.Alexa and I hugged, but it wasn’t quick enough because before I knew it, Alek had slapped me on the ass.I yelped.

“Let’s go,” he demanded impatiently.

Without further delay, he led us outside.



I seriously didn’t know what I was going to do with her.She drove me crazy sometimes but in all reality, I wouldn’t change a damn thing.