Stone and Addy had finally set a date to have Riley’s ceremony at the clubhouse, and the day had arrived. That precious little girl was the apple of not only her parents’ eyes but the rest of us as well. I tried not to fawn all over her whenever they brought her around, but she stole my heart. So innocent. When she looked up at me, I saw the trust in her eyes. Her tiny smile always made me happy, even when I’d had the shittiest day. It wasn’t until I met Reece that I had even entertained the idea of having one of my own, although it was way too soon in our relationship to even discuss something like that. But nonetheless, the thoughts were forming.
“Do I look okay?” she asked, fiddling with the hem of her light blue dress.
“You’re gorgeous,” I confirmed. When she’d strolled into the living room earlier that day and twirled around, I caught sight of the back of her dress. The majority of her skin was exposed. She’d worried it wasn’t appropriate, but with the hemline hitting just above her knee and the dress covering everything in front, it was more than suitable. Before we left the house, however, I showed her just how sexy I thought she looked, my desire for her uncontrollable as I backed her against the nearest wall, lifted her dress, moved her flimsy panties to the side and devoured her. Her taste was still on my tongue.
Pulling off the main highway, I drove another half mile until I reached the compound. The gate was open and manned by a few of the newest prospects. If these guys turned out to be half the man Jagger was, our club would be stronger than ever.
Once inside I easily found a space, most of the lot still empty. Once I’d killed the engine I glanced over at Reece, the anxious flush of her cheeks making my dick twitch. She reached for the door handle but I stopped her. “Here, let me get that for you. One second.” I jumped out and hurriedly walked around the back, coming to stand by her side in a few seconds flat. I extended my hand as soon as I opened the door, the heat from her palm promising the warmth her body would provide mine once this shindig was over.
Leaning down I placed a chaste kiss on her mouth, knowing she was anxious and doing my best to try and calm her. “You’ll be fine. Trust me. After about ten minutes, it’ll be like you’ve known them forever. The women are super cool, so you’ll have no problem there. The guys are as well, although if I notice any of them beingtoonice, don’t get freaked out if I let them know about it.” I winked, but she knew from the tone of my voice that I was deadly serious on that last point.
“Oh stop,” she chided, slapping my arm in mock annoyance, doing anything she could to help ease her worries.
I walked beside her, my hand resting on the middle of her back. My fingers brushed back and forth over her bare skin. “I hate that you’re showing so much skin,” I rumbled.
She stopped walking and turned toward me. “You don’t like my dress? Why didn’t you say something back at the house? I know my back is exposed, but I thought you said it was appropriate for today. Besides, I’m not showing any cleavage or anything.” She would have continued to ramble had I not interrupted her.
“Calm down, baby. I just meant that I hate that you’re showinganyskin. Not because the dress isn’t nice, because it is, but every fucker here is gonna notice.” I tried to smile but my expression was strained. “You look gorgeous. Stop freakin’ out.” I snatched her hand and led her the rest of the way through the large open lot.
Stone and Adelaide had picked a perfect day. The sun was shining and the light breeze helped to soothe the midday heat. A large tent with numerous tables and chairs littered the grounds, providing shade and seating for everyone attending.
“Nomad!” Breck shouted as he walked toward us, beer in hand and already half empty. I liked Breck just fine, until he consumed a few drinks; then he became sort of obnoxious. Usually, I’d just shout for Cutter, his father, to reel him back in or I’d be forced to deal with him. Most times, Cutter would intervene if he was there. If not, and I had to take care of business myself . . . let’s just say that Breck had been knocked out once or twice. He wasn’t my favorite, but I didn’t dislike him either. He was loyal as fuck to the club, and that went a long way in my book.
“Get ready for this one,” I warned Reece, the flare of her eyes almost making me laugh.
“Breck,” I greeted, tightening my hold on Reece’s hand unknowingly.
“Ow,” she whined. “My hand.”
“Sorry.” Turning my full attention back to Breck, who was now staring at my woman, I took a step closer and crowded his personal space. “Don’t even think about it, man. She’s mine.” The gravel in my voice was unmistakable.
“What?” He played dumb. “I didn’t say anything.” He grinned.
“You didn’t have to. I know you.” We stepped around him to join the others, but not before I warned him. “And don’t get shit-faced, Breck. We’re not at a fuckin’ ruckus.”
He mumbled something before walking in the opposite direction.
“What’s a ruckus?” Reece asked, walking quickly just to keep up with my long strides. I slowed down when I noticed.
“It’s a party the club throws every so often when we’re celebratin’ something or need to blow off some steam. But there’s no wives or girlfriends allowed, just wannabes and the guys.” I had no idea all of that shit was gonna come flyin’ out of my mouth until it was too late.
Why the hell did I just tell her all that? Damnit!
She stopped walking and yanked her hand from mine. I closed my eyes in regret and tried to think of something to say that would undo some of the damage I’d undoubtedly just caused.
“What’s a wannabe?”
“Women looking to attach themselves to one of the members. But it never happens. They’re pretty much there to entertain the guys.”
Oh my God! Seriously . . . shut up, Tripp.
“What?” Her question was accompanied by an indiscernible look on her face. Was that confusion? Jealousy? Anger?
“I have no idea why I just told you all that, Reece.”
“Does your club throw these types of parties all the time?” She’d ignored my last statement.
“They used to. But not so much anymore.” I was being honest, so I prayed it would gain me some brownie points. “We actually haven’t had one in quite some time.”