Page 17 of Tripp

Rattling her was quickly becoming my new favorite thing.

Having too much fun to let it go, I pressed her further, crowding her personal space for the full effect. “It’s simple. Do you want to sleep with me?”

“I don’t know you.”

“So what? It’s a simple yes or no. Do you want me between those sexy thighs of yours or not?” She looked like a deer in headlights. “Okay, we’ll table that question for another time.” I should’ve been more sensitive to what she’d been through earlier, but I couldn’t help but goad her. Besides, I took comfort knowing I’d never let anything bad happen to her again. From here on out she should consider herself safe. “And just so you know, Arianna won’t be stopping over.”

“Is she your girlfriend?”

“Hell no!” I shouted, lowering my voice back to a normal level after I saw her flinch. “Sorry. No, that chick is certainly not my girlfriend. Since you seem to want to pry into my business,” I said, giving her a faux look of irritation, “I’m not involved with anyone.”

“Oh,” she simply responded, twirling a strand of hair around her finger again. A nervous tick?

“So you know what that means, don’t ya?”

“No.” Her voice was meek and unsure, a contradiction to the woman I believed her to truly be.

“That means you’re free to hit on me as much as your little heart desires.”

She blushed again, but at least that time her flush was accompanied by a smile.

Walking away was hard, but I turned my back to her and headed toward the kitchen once more. “You hungry?” I asked over my shoulder, rummaging through the fridge for something to make in case she said yes. I didn’t have to face her to know her eyes were glued to me. As much as I wanted to turn around and catch her ogling me, I remained in position, acting as if I weren’t completely distracted by her standing twenty feet away.

“No. I don’t have much of an appetite,” she admitted.

Closing the fridge, a rush of strangled breath passed my lips before I finally turned to face her and saw I was right. Her eyes were glued to me, but when her tongue peeked out and licked her lips I had to hold back from rushing toward her and crashing my mouth to hers.

Fuck! What was I thinking bringing her to my house?

Before I could delve into my confusion, my cell rang, ‘Prez’ flashing across the screen and pulling all of my focus.

“Yeah,” I answered, my voice rushed, trying to tamp down my irritation.

“You’re up.”

“I thought that wasn’t until tomorrow.”

“Change of plans. Let’s go,” Marek demanded, hanging up on me before giving me the chance to ask if someone could take my place. Cursing under my breath, I glanced at Reece, hating that I had to leave her. But at least at my place she’d be safe. It was a small comfort.

If I’d had a choice, I would’ve stay holed up in the cabin for days—weeks, even. Who was I kidding? I’d stay locked away from everyone else for months if that’s what it took to drive away my new obsession with this woman.


What the hell was I thinking coming here?

My actions were completely out of character. Never mind that Tripp was a stranger; even though he’d rescued me, the way my body bristled when I was near him should’ve been a warning in and of itself. He was dangerous. The way his eyes devoured me. The way his body called to mine on the basest of levels.

All my thoughts became muddled whenever he crowded my personal space. Hell, even with the space currently between us I found it hard to think of anything other than being wrapped in his warm embrace.

Maybe it was nothing more than knight-in-shining-armor syndrome. Was that even a thing? I’d never had someone come to my rescue before, so maybe his saving me from that bastard earlier was the sole reason for my confusing feelings toward him. Even as my brain tried to convince me this was the real reason, my heart and soul knew differently.

“Come on,” he instructed, striding from the room after speaking and leaving me no choice but to follow. Correction—I had a choice. I could have stayed glued to the spot, but my brain spurred me to follow him. Or was that curiosity? Or tangible attraction?

He disappeared around the corner and I had to jog to keep up, which resulted in crashing into the back of him, bouncing back and almost losing my balance. Luckily my hand shot out and I braced myself against the wall.

“You okay?” he asked, spinning around and grabbing my arms.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, quite embarrassed. “Your long-ass legs are to blame, you know.” I tried to make light of my clumsiness, and from the smile on his face, it’d worked.