Their images all blurred together.
Faceless people in the crowd.
I knew it was my choice to strip, but it didn’t make it any easier. And since there was a strict no-drugs policy at the club I couldn’t even contemplate taking something to help numb me. I had to endure until I came up with a better way to support myself.
If that ever happened.
Shrugging the shirt off my shoulders, I tossed the material to the side of the stage. I knew what they expected and I gave it to them. Kneading my breasts, I pinched my erect nipples a few times before running my hands down my body. Knowing my song was coming to a close soon, I rose to my feet and sauntered toward the pole. Twirling a few times, I came to rest in front of it, sliding down slowly until my ass was a few inches from the ground. I played with the flimsy strands of my thong, teasing the men surrounding the stage with small glimpses of my bare pussy.
Indulge was a fully nude club, and even though I was required to rid myself of all clothing, I chose to always do so when I didn’t have much time left on stage. Other dancers spread their legs wide when they bared themselves, but I never did.
I couldn’t.
Standing and swiveling around so my back was to the crowd, I bent over and hooked my thumbs under the lace of my thong, slowly dragging my panties down my toned thighs. As soon as the scrap of material pooled around my ankles, I stepped free of them and kicked them toward the back of the stage.
The last few chords of the song drew near. I turned back around to face the crowd and caressed the pole as if it were a lover, running my hands up and down the metal, the coolness of it distracting me from the countless pairs of eyes staring at me. I trailed my hands down my body, shielding my pussy quickly before baring everything.
Thankfully the last note of the music sounded, signaling that my time was up. Bills were thrown toward me once they knew my show had ended. Gathering the money tightly in my hands, I continued to plaster a smile on my face, winking at a few of the men before finally disappearing off stage.
Each of us had a secure locker in the back of the club. Stuffing the wad of cash in mine, I pulled out my next outfit for the evening, complete with my favorite red wig. I sipped on my watered-down vodka on the rocks to help take the edge off.
If I’d known how my evening would turn out, I would’ve ordered a few more drinks.
It’d been three days since I last visited the safe house. My next rotation was in a day or so, depending on when Marek decided to pull the trigger—either literally or figuratively—and fuckin’ snatch Psych’s life once and for all.
Striding through the back door of Indulge, I passed by a few of the staff, nodding in acknowledgment as I headed toward the front. I spotted Hawke near the bar, throwing back shots as I approached.
“Bout fuckin’ time, brother,” Hawke shouted over the music, slapping me on the back. “What took you so long?” His brows rose but his attention wavered once one of the strippers walked by, throwing him a smile before heading toward a table of men.
“Thought you were all done with that.” I signaled the bartender for a drink, turning back toward Hawke after ordering.
“I am,” he said, “but I can still look. As long as I don’t touch.” His smile faltered, and I knew he still struggled with what happened to Edana. She’d gone looking for Hawke and had been viciously attacked by a few Reapers right outside this place, only allowing her to live so she could deliver a message that they were comin’ for everyone we loved. Retribution for Marek stealing Sully away from her father.
I knew Hawke still harbored guilt for putting his woman in that situation, even though it hadn’t been his fault. Yes, he’d had a hard time keeping his dick in his pants, but all that changed after Edana’s attack. He confessed he hadn’t touched another chick since, and I believed him. I saw the look of pure terror and pain in his eyes when he held Edana, doing his best to comfort her and assure her that he would rain all hell down on the Reapers for daring to touch her. As volatile as Hawke and Edana’s relationship was, they loved each other, although at times it seemed only logical to question.
“How is she?” I didn’t have to say her name for him to know who I was talking about.
“She’s healing physically, more each day, but she’s still fucked-up in the head.” Hawke finished the rest of his beer, slamming down the bottle in frustration. “She’s been having fuckin’ nightmares, and when I try to hold her she lashes out and hits me. She doesn’t even know it’s me until she’s fully awake.” Running his hands through his hair, he dropped his head and groaned. I’d heard his anguish because I stood so close, but to everyone else, it just appeared as if he was drunk. “I don’t know what to do for her. I feel so goddamn helpless, man,” he confessed.
I had no idea what he was going through, but my heart bled for him just the same. Shit like this was one of the main reasons I chose not to get attached to a woman. Bad things happened all the time in our world, and the less people I brought into it, the better. Besides, the last chick I’d shacked up with betrayed me, and who the hell wants to deal with that fucked-up situation again?
“It’ll get better in time. Just be patient.”
“Easier said than done,” Hawke grumbled. As he was about to say something else, Arianna, one of the dancers, shimmied next to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pushing her fake tits against my chest. Rising up on her toes, still significantly shorter than me even in heels, she pressed her mouth to mine.
“Hey, baby,” she cooed, licking her glossy lips before trying to kiss me again. But I was prepared that time. Unlocking her hands, I gently pushed her away. Yeah, I’d fucked her a few times when I was drunk and horny, but settling between Arianna’s legs again wasn’t something I was interested in any longer. To be honest, it shocked me that she’d been able to convince me to fuck her more than once. But like I said, I was drunk for all three occasions.
“Not tonight,” I warned, keeping my voice as casual as possible. She reeked of cheap cologne, no doubt from giving a few guys some up close and personal time. Disappointment shrouded her face, but the emotion quickly disappeared when Hawke leaned over me and gave her his winning smile.
“I can take you both on if that’s what you want. It doesn’t have to be just the two of us.” She batted her heavily coated eyelashes at me before turning her attention to my younger brother.
I’d been around the block and was no stranger to threesomes, but never with another guy. And sharing this chick with my brother was the last thing that was goin’ down tonight. No fucking way was I crossing swords with him.
“No,” I said more firmly, pushing her back another step to clear her from my personal space. “Not gonna happen, so stop tryin’.”
She gave me a fake pout before winking at Hawke. Fortunately, a few guys seated close to the stage caught her attention and she strutted toward them without glancing back at us.