"It was nice," he whispers, and I know he's talking about more than the sex. It was nice to not have anyone constantly pulling us away or needing our attention for five days. Alas, it's time to get back to work.
But first—food.
Godsdamned delicious food judging from the smells wafting off it as Vinson finishes up with the final touches. He’s sprinkling some kind of spice onto the steaks when a familiar orangish-blue spark of fire shoots out alongside it, setting whatever seasoning on fire as it travels down and hits the pan, combusting into a much larger flame. Vin’s wide eyes find mine and then travel to Dante.
“Uh, guys?” he says in confusion. “Did I—Did that just happen?”
“No way,” I breathe. “You used Dante’s fire!”
“Would one of you mind putting it out?” he asks, pointing to the fire in the cast iron. “Unless you like well-done bricks for steaks?”
My nose wrinkles at the thought of a tough steak, but Dante beats me to it, extinguishing it with a flick of his fingers. Totally not jealous at all of his range of control.
“You used my power without half a thought…” Dante says in amazement. He turns to Reed and puts a finger on his head, concentrating so hard he looks like he’s constipated. Reed’s expression morphs from mystified to horrified.
“Dammit, Dante!” Reed growls and shakes his head like he’s trying to physically shake him out of it. “Why are you using me as your guinea pig?”
Dante drops his finger and stares at it in wonder. “Sorry, bro, I didn’t think it would work. Elian’s powers are usually so finicky. We’ve all experimented with borrowing each other's abilities before but nothing on this level. Usually it drains us too much, but I don’t feel any strain at all,” he says, staring at his body like it holds all the answers.
“Why can I suddenly hear things I’ve never heard before?” Kaos chimes in, focusing intently on the leaky faucet in the kitchen. “I swear it’s like I can hear the water in the pipes.”
Elian’s nose crinkles. “And why the hell can I smell wet dog everywhere?”
They turn to Vinson who smirks. “Shifters do not smell that bad,” he counters. “But I’d say it’s because you have shifter hearing and sense of smell now.”
Now that I’m paying attention, I can hear and smell things that I’d never been able to before. There are three little thumps and then several smaller ones as something bounds up our steps. The front door creaks open.
“Is everybody decent?” Hemsworth calls out.
“Yeah, we’re in the kitchen!” I respond.
His nails click against the wooden floor—something else I’ve never really noticed before. Not on this floor anyway. “I smelled steak,” he says when he comes into view, nose high in the air as he struts into the kitchen. “So naturally, I came running.”
Vin laughs. “I made one for you too, buddy, don’t worry.” Then he addresses the rest of us. “Let’s explore the whole power shift thing after we eat, yeah? I don’t know about you all, but I’m fucking starving.”
“That tends to happen after you survive on sex for five days,” Hemsworth supplies helpfully. I choke on my coffee.
“I love this little shit,” Dante muses dreamily.
“Of course, you do,” I say with an eye roll. “Your terrible jokes are on par with one another.” I give him a smile over my coffee mug, sending how much I love his jokes down the bond so he knows I’m messing with him.
“He’s my spirit animal,” Dante defends.
“Nope, he would be mine. Literally.”
That makes everyone dissolve into peals of laughter.
“I’ll fight you for him,” Dante says, holding up his fork like we’re about to joust with kitchen utensils. I raise mine and dive in, slamming my fork against his. The cling vibrates through the kitchen.
Hemsworth chuffs. “As much as I’d love for you two to fight for my honor, I’m with Vinson. I’m fucking starving. Food now, fight later.”
“Fine,” Dante huffs and pulls me out of my chair and into his lap. “But not before I give the pretty lady a kiss.” His lips brush against mine in a sweet kiss that makes my toes curl.
He releases me and I float back to my seat with a smile on my face. Vin sets a plate in front of me piled high with various meats, including the steak which looks cooked perfectly, and sauteed veggies. “Fucking hell, Vin. When did you have time to get all this stuff?” I ask.
He wipes down the counter with a rag before walking over to the table to join us. "I didn't. The trio brought it back for us yesterday, knowing we'd need the extra calories.”
I take a bite and groan as all the flavors hit my taste buds and travel all the way to my synapses because it is so damn good. We’ve mostly been snacking the past few days, using orgasms as our sustenance, but this… This food is almost better than those orgasms.