Page 5 of Called By Fate

When we come up for air, he backs away. "Go, go get your shifter, and then return to us so we can prepare for war."

“Yes, sir,” I respond, saluting him and watching as his eyes heat.

I tuck that little piece of information away for later.


When we reach the portal, the wolf guarding it spots us immediately—his yellow eyes zeroing in on us. The hair on the back of his neck rises and he snarls.

Fuck. What was his name again? K something... Keratin... Kerosine... Shit, why am I so bad with names?

Reed coughs. "Keros."

I shoot him a small smirk. "Thanks."

He winks. "Don't mention it."

Giving my attention fully to the wolf, I decide to address him confidently, but appropriately in hopes tonotpiss him off. Because a giant wolf is a little fucking intimidating. Like, he could swallow me in one bite. “Keros, guardian of the portal, my name is Sadie Sinclair and I come with the Goddess' blessing to cross over to the other side and retrieve my mate, Vinson Meadows.”

He sniffs the air and snarls at us once more. His eyes shift from the molten gold they were a moment ago to a blazing blue—the same blue as the swirling portal behind him.

“Prove it!” he booms in a dark, otherworldly tone that resonates like there are different voices layered within, echoing around us, even when it shouldn’t.

Honestly, you'd think having my own talking familiar would prepare me for a giant talking wolf, but I don't think anything quite can describe the sight.

"The Goddess said I only have to tell you that I have her blessing." I warily turn my head to look at my mates like,what do we do now?Ram this thing and hope for the best?

Keros lets out a soft whine and I turn back to him to notice he's staring at my cheek. Confused, I bring up a hand to touch it, wondering what’s making him stare at me like that. Oh right, the Goddess kissed me there.

He shifts into what I think might be his human form... Or at least, I think he’s human. Other than the bright blue hair and swirling eyes, he could certainly pass for one.

Oh wait, nope, he has horns. Those are definitely tiny horns protruding from his forehead. Is he a… "Demon, yes,” he says with a quirked brow, watching my reaction. And he’s also reading my mind. Cool. Sweet. Kewl.

Don’t freak out, Sadie.You already knew magic is real, why not add demons to that list?

“You have been marked, Shadowbringer, and therefore you may proceed.” His voice is more normal when he speaks this time but is still a deep baritone. “I offer you my apologies for being cautious. Many before you have tried to cross this gate with unsavory intentions. It is my duty to keep the spirits safe. I will not fail them again." His face is pinched in anger with that last admission.

I look around in confusion. "Who else would be able to access the gate from this realm? It’s not like you can just portal here. I don’t think so, anyway…" I add the last part because I’m not exactly sure myself.

"You are right. You cannot, but this gate sits in many realms, Shadowbringer. Not just the Goddess’ eternal realm. For instance, it’s under a lake in the realm you call Earth and next to an apartment complex in the demon realm. And it’s mine and my brothers’ duty to protect them.”

Yeah, I'm not even going to try and comprehend the wholethis gate sits in many realms thing.Nope, that one is way above my pay grade, and besides, talking to him is wasting time. Vin needs me. Even if time does work differently here, who knows if it does on the other side of this thing.

"I’m sorry, Keros, but I'm kind of in a hurry with trying to save my dead mate and all. So, if you would be an awesome protector and let me through, I'll get out of your interdimensional demon hair."

"Tell me again who you are going after?" Keros inquires, tapping his chin.

"His name is Vinson Meadows and he’s a shifter."

He tilts his head skeptically. "And you said this Vinson is your mate?"

"Yes, we" —I gesture to my Circle— "seek to bring change in our world and peace between the Weavers and the shifters. Eventually," I add. I mean, Rome wasn't built in a day, and I'd be crazy to think years of prejudice would simply disappear overnight.

Keros looks thoughtful and then he smiles wolfishly, flashing his sharp demon teeth, suddenly dropping the formality for a more familiar friendly disposition. Somehow his teeth aren’t scary though. They suit him. "Well, it’s about damn time. We've been waiting for this change to come for what seems like ages. You've got a good head on your shoulders, Shadowbringer. Make sure you keep it that way. There are powerful forces at play in your world currently."

"Don’t I know it. Wait… How doyouknow that?"

"Because I hear the whisperings of the dead. You've pissed off those bastards you call Elders. Royally. And they’re gunning for you. But I quite like you, so stay alive. The Weavers and the shifters have been separated for far too long. It's no wonder your magic is dwindling... But, ah, I've said too much." He turns and heads for the portal. "Come, it's time for you to go after your mate."