My cheeks heat from embarrassment… or desire from seeing Elian in his full glory and knowing the other two heard everything. Take your pick.
"Reed! Vin! Get your asses in here," I holler, and then chuckle when I hear one of them trip over their feet and curse in their haste to get to me.
"I'll get more blankets!" Vin shouts as Reed scrambles past Elian through the doorway and Vin slides past them, heading for the linen closet.
I eye the bed we're on dubiously. "We seriously need a bigger bed." Even with two pushed together, fitting six of us on it is a challenge.
"We do," Reed agrees. "We'll worry about that when we have somewhere permanent though. For now, we'll make it work." He winks at me.
“So, what's up with this Awakening?” I ask. “I was under the impression that I was coming into my full powers and sharing them with you all.”
"That's correct. A Weaver’s Awakening is the full surge of a Link’s power coming into fruition and then a division of that power between her mates." Reed responds. "The way you do that is through—"
"Sex," I supply when it hits me. The palms connecting is the spark… and this is what solidifies it. "This makes so much more sense."
Vin runs through the doorway with every single blanket we have in this damn cabin and smiles. "Fuck nest!" he announces and goes to town on building... well, whatever a fuck nest is, I guess.
Not for the first time, I wonder what the hell I have gotten myself into.
"Sorry, but what the heck is a fuck nest?" I question once Vin is satisfied we're all cozy-burritoed and cocooned enough in the massive blanket fort he's built on the bed. There has to be at least ten pillows surrounding us too.
Our connection sizzles with the echo of his need to provide and fuss over me. I like the attention too, if I’m honest. I’ve never had a man wait on me like this before. Now I have five. Well, four because I doubt Elian would. Maybe if I begged…
"You know,” Reed starts, “like a sex fort, rut hut or… oh I know! A boink bunker! I know you’ve probably read about them before.”
“A boink bunker?” I echo. “Like a nest?” I ask and he nods.
“Technically, according to Urban Dictionary, it’s an abode consisting of several layers of blankets and pillows. But this is what you're going to need while you're going through your Awakening,” Vin says and works on straightening a part of one of the blankets in myboink bunkeruntil it's perfect. "Which I'm assuming is like a mated shifter's heat. Except without the magic... and you know, power leaking out of you," he responds, tilting his head when my magic goes all wonky and shoots out of me again. At least it’s not harming me or them.
Dante cracks a devious smile. “No, bro, that’s my cum leaking out of her currently.”
“Dante!” I screech and smack him with a pillow. With my heightened emotions, my magic goes on the fritz again and snaps out of me. It’s such a strange sensation.
Reed watches it happen and says, “Looks like you need a few more orgasms to help the power settle, Love.” His eyes are banked in desire.
And sure enough, as soon as the words are out of his mouth, I suddenly feel warm and horny, like speaking the words into existence was enough to throw a signal up to the part of my brain that processes sexual desire that reads,Yes, all the orgasms, please! So many may kill me, but who cares.
Death by orgasms sounds like the right way to go if you ask me.
"Would you like that, Love?" Reed asks, and his husky tone sends a zap straight down to my clit. When I nod, Reed takes off his pants and his dick springs to life like it's happy to see me.
I see Vin in my peripheral still clothed. That won’t do.
"You too, Vin. This is a no clothes party."
Moons above, where is this wanton woman coming from?
For Goddess' sake. I blame the Awakening. Yep, totally that and not my own fantasies. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
"In a second, my Moon. I'm going to grab you a warm washcloth to clean you up with first." With that he disappears into the bathroom, presumably to get said cloth. My heart squeezes and I swoon over his need to take care of me.
Gah, what did I do to deserve him? All of them, really.
Reading my thoughts, Reed pulls me into his side and kisses my forehead. His glasses are missing today, which is likely a smart idea since they might get broken in our tumbles. I love being able to see his lovely gray eyes undeterred.
"You'reyou, Sadie," Reed tells me, and I shoot him a dubious look. "In all things, you're always you. Your feelings are real and you're vocal about them. It's why people respect you so much. It's why we love you—why I love you."