"You don't have to say anything. But there it is. My ugly truth. In my quest to bring him down, I lost my way. It wasn’t until you started calling me on my bullshit that I realized I was becoming like him." He looks disgusted with himself, so I reach up and smooth the frown from his brow. He leans into the touch like I’m his lifeline. It’s my turn to be his life raft.
I have so many questions. I want him to tell me everything, but instead, I ask, "Is this why you have so many tattoos?" I watch him closely, trying not to say the wrong thing. This is the most he’s ever opened up to me, and I’m terrified of losing our footing again. His expression is the most open I’ve ever seen it and he has the same look in his eyes the night I found him jumping off the cliff.
"I'd rather be covered in ink than reminded of those scars," he says.
I can definitely understand that.
I know I have to be careful not to push him away or push him too hard, but I can tell he’s seconds away from slipping his mask back on and I don’t want that. I wanthim.Every-fucking-thing about him. Ugly truths and all.
"Elian, you know their deaths aren't your fault, right?"
"How could they not be? If I had been—"
“No,” I interrupt, tone firm. “None of that. It was not your fault.” I punctuate my point with a jab to his chest. “Look, there’s something I've been meaning to tell you, but I haven't really had you alone until now.”
His hand returns to my face, and he grips the back of my neck but not enough to hurt. Just enough for him to feel in control. “What is it?”
“Your mother and sister weren't in the In-Between,” I admit, and his face drops. I reach a hand up and tilt his chin until his eyes are back to mine. “That means they’d already crossed over. They didn't feel like they had unfinished business in their life. And even though they weren’t there I still told your story. I know, in my heart, they heard me. They know, Elian, and they're not mad at you."
His eyes shine with unshed tears, the emerald color far more vibrant than usual before he blinks them away. When he reaches up with his other hand to tuck a stray strand of my hair behind my ear, I catch a glimpse of a tiny piece of bare skin on his wrist... in the exact place a mate mark would go.
Quick as lightning, I snatch his wrist and pull his sleeve down so I can further inspect the tattoo-free patch of skin there. Sure enough, there's a spot just big enough for a mate mark.
"You—I thought... Your skin is blank here?" The last part comes out as more of a question.
He watches me inspect his skin. “It is,” he says.
"You saved a spot for a mate mark?"
"I did."
My eyes search his. "Even though you didn't know if you'd ever meet your Link?"
He nods. "I always dreamed I would even as much as I dreaded it because of my father. I still held hope and here you are."
Something inside of me shifts. I let go of the part of myself I’ve been holding back from Elian, deciding to say to hell with it. If he burns me then so be it. I can take his heat. If he freezes me out, I’ll thaw his ice. I’m done keeping him at arm's length. I’m ready formorefrom him.
Hell, I’ve been imagining him on his knees worshiping me since the night in the woods. And that memory is enough to make my nipples tighten and my core clench.
"Get over here and fucking worship me, Elian. That simple apology for your actions earlier isn't enough. I need you toproveit to me. Prove to me that you’re serious," I respond breathlessly.
He has a similar reaction to mine, his face morphing from sadness and heartbreak to heat and possessiveness. He’s going to own me, possibly even damn me, I can see it in his eyes, but I don’t care. I want this.
“With pleasure, my Pet.”
The control he always keeps so tightly wound snaps. His lips descend on mine, and he makes no hesitation, sticking his tongue in to tangle with my own.
The taste of whiskey invades my mouth and I almost freeze, my mind trying to slip into the past, dredging up Mickey’s face. Elian senses me about to panic and bites my lip. The slight pain works to bring me out of the past and I refocus my attention on him, savoring his lips on mine. His taste mingles with the whiskey, and I find I almost like it, but only because of who I’m with.
The kiss is over way too soon when he suddenly drops to his knees and looks up at me with his gorgeous eyes still storming, but with heat this time—no mask either. This is all him. Raw, unfiltered Elian.
“You know, I quite like seeing you like this," I tease, threading my hands through his hair.
Elian places a kiss at the apex of my clothed thighs and says, “You are the only woman I would ever get on my knees for, Sadie Sinclair. Now I want you to watch as I worship you like the absolute Goddess you are.”
Shock tumbles through me. “I’m surprised you remember me saying that the last time we had sex.”
“I remember every moment with you.”