Either way, most, if not all of them have heard the prophecy. Mainly as a bedtime story—something we thought our parents made up to give us hope. I don’t think any of us thought it was real after all this time, but still. We carried the hope all the same.
Unfortunately, there is such a deep animosity between our worlds and in our communities that changing that is going to be difficult. But if anyone can do it, it's Sadie Sinclair.
Gods, I'm falling hopelessly in love with that woman. She's so full of beauty and grace and is such a fiery ball of passion. I wouldn't change a single thing about her.
Following the thoughts of my faction leads me straight to the training hall, which is perfectly outfitted with gear and weapons. The place is rather large and, besides the mess hall, the most updated. There are treadmills for running, weight racks for lifting, and even several punching bags. My ancestors really did plan for anything with this safe haven. Hell, maybe with the prophecy, they knew or expected we would need it one day.
Sensing my presence, my faction stops what they’re doing and turn to me, bowing their heads slightly in a show of respect. Several pairs are lined up sparring, while others are utilizing the treadmills and weightlifting equipment.
Auryen’s thoughts are full of hope for the future, while Merri is still wary of the Night Weavers with me. Several of them are, but I'm hoping to set their minds at ease today. Merri might prove to be a challenge though. She came from a semi royal line of Light Weavers and has always been vocal about her opinions. I spot one of my oldest friends, Hades, sparring with Jakob, and I shoot him a smile, grateful Matilda managed to get him out in time.
Nevertheless, I have no doubt Sadie's actions will speak for themselves. She has that way about her that draws anyone in. Including me. Before everything that happened with my father and my Elders, I was already trying to figure out how I was going to see her again… and then I fell through her porch. The memory brings a melancholic smile to my face.
Sadie is stroking Hemsworth’s head absentmindedly, something I’ve noticed she does often, as she stares at the Light Weavers. Likely trying to size them up. Her thoughts are worried about impressing them, but as long as she’s herself, I know she will.
"Good morning, everyone. I thought we should try a do-over on introductions since last night was kind of a shock for everyone," I announce, trying to make my voice firm. My father always had the heavy hand out of the two of us, and he tried to teach me, but I’ve always been softer spoken. More interested in books than people most days. Because of my ability, I preferred the alone time with books over the noise of being around people.
On the other hand, my father was always scheming. He wasn’t quite as cruel as the Elders, but he did use me as his pawn, an asset to his reign. Yeah, our relationship was complicated to say the least.
Realizing I got lost in my thoughts, I clear my throat and motion to Sadie, showing her off. “This is my mate, Sadie Sinclair. She is a Triad, the first of her kind we know of and, as such, I expect you to treat her with respect.”
Sadie gives a small wave. "Hello, everyone. It's lovely to meet you."
Merri rolls her eyes. “I wish we could say the same.” My control over my power slips for a moment because of her strong emotions practically shouting it at me, and I hear her thoughts.Who does this bitch think she is?
Alongside Sadie thinking,Tough crowd.
Merri’s comment pisses my fellow Circle off too, and if they weren’t trying to play nice, they’d call her on her bullshit.
This is one of mine and therefore I’ll take care of it, knowing I need to reaffirm my position as their leader in their heads. I haven’t been around since the massacre, since my father was killed.
I level Merri with a look. "Speak to my mate, your Queen, with such disdain again and we will have issues. I let your shit slide last night, but I won’t today. Don't forget who I am, Merri Duval."
She looks away from my gaze and reluctantly nods her head. I check her thoughts quickly, making sure she’s going to behave before I continue with my introduction. "And these are my Circle mates, Kaos, Dante, and Elian, who are all Night Weavers. And Vinson, a shifter."
Several of my fellow Light Weavers gasp and stare at us with wide eyes. Their thoughts are all over the place and slightly overwhelming, which is exactly why I normally choose books over people.
Sadly, I don’t have that luxury anymore.
"How is that possible? How is any of this possible?" Merri demands. “Where’s your mate mark to prove it?” she sneers, looking at Sadie’s wrist and mine.
Such mates they are if they don’t even have marks,her thoughts tell me, and my hackles rise. But Sadie doesn’t let Merri ruffle her tail feathers, though her shadows do rise around her—a show of her agitation. More than a few eyes bug further out of their heads.
“Reed and I have not bonded yet. All you need to know is that the Night Goddess blessed me greatly.” Her short, clipped response brokers no room for arguments. Damn, I love her tenacity. Her admission of us not being mated yet causes them to whisper amongst themselves and a few of them shift on their feet, eyes bouncing between all of us like they don’t know what to think.
Crap, I’m losing them,Sadie thinks, trying to sort through what to do.
“But that's enough with the pleasantries, don't you think?" Sadie asks, and I listen in once more to figure out what she’s going to do.Maybe if I can show them what I can do,she thinks. It’s a smart move.
Sadie shrugs off her shirt, leaving only her sports bra underneath, and starts cracking her knuckles. "Would any of you mind if I spar with you? I'd love to get a feel for how Light Weavers train."
Merri's boyfriend, Jack, scoffs. They’re not true mates, but they try to act like it. The others look at me, and I nod my approval of her sparring with them. Sadie’s right. Sometimes when you’re powerful, you have to lay your cards out on the table, but I also know Sadie is smart enough to ride that fine line like I do.
Hades steps forward with a cocky grin on his face, shooting me a wink before he extends his hand for Sadie to shake. “Why, hello there, lovely,” he practically purrs, and I hear a rumble from Vin that Hades does not miss. I know he’s a hopeless flirt though, so I’m not worried. “I'm Hades, and no, not like the God with blue hair. Just plain old Light Weaver, Hades. I'd love to spar with you.”
"Hades, no!" Merri exclaims in outrage. "What if she's using this as a way to exploit us?"
"To what end, Merri?" Sadie asks.