Page 25 of Called By Fate

"Fucking hell, Vin. How is a girl supposed to find words to live up to that?" He chuckles. "I'm falling for you, hard. I'm falling for all my mates hard, but love is complicated for me. It's not something I say lightly."

"Of course, Luna. Take all the time you need. I don't plan on leaving your side for the rest of my days. Not that I would anyway. We’re soul bound. Besides, I don’t need you to say it. I can feel how you feel about me.”

This time, I kiss him and savor our slow brush of lips. We’re just two battered souls trying to repair themselves. We both need it.

I'm coming to realize I need these men more than I need air some days.

And that's not always a bad thing.


The next morning, I wake next to two hard bodies I know very, very well. Stretching my legs and letting out a yawn, I say, "One of these days, you two are going to have to put all that talk from the festival into action and show me this sandwich thing I've heard so much about. I'm starting to get a little miffed about it not happening." I wipe the drool from my face and Dante's arm. "Er, sorry."

He sits up and leans over to kiss me. His blonde hair is messy from sleep, but he totally rocks the bedhead look. "Don't worry about it, Angel. I see it as you claiming me with your sleep saliva. Now, what's this about a sandwich? It's like nine-thirty in the morning, so not really sandwich time yet, I'm afraid," he responds cheekily, and I roll my eyes. Fucker totally knows what I meant. Also, I can’t believe I slept a whole day. I mean, I can, but wow.

"Don't play coy with me, Dante King. You know dang well what I mean."

Kaos splays a hand across my stomach and drags me toward him until my ass hits his hardness and that’s when I discover they do know exactly what I mean by sandwich, and Dante’s just being Dante.

"That can be arranged, Little Flame," he says huskily as his hot breath fans across the back of my neck.

"Oh, can it now, Steel? You know we wake up in bed like this a lot and it hasn't happened yet, should I be worried?"

They both growl and pounce on me in a coordinated attack. A hybrid laugh slash moan comes out of me as Kaos trails kisses up and down my neck while Dante goes for my lips.

Things are really starting to heat up and I think I just might get my sandwich after all when someone clears their throat from the direction of the door. "As lovely as this sight is, Reed has called us all into the living room for a meeting. I think it's time we all talk." I’d recognize that dark voice and his aura anywhere. Dammit.

I groan from being interrupted. "Now I remember why I haven't been able to have both my pipes plumbed—" I wince when they all shoot me a look with varying degrees ofwhat the fuckandew. "Yeah, it sounded punnier in my head. Anyway, we always get interrupted before we can get started."

With a sigh, I work my way out of the covers. After my very hot shower last night, Vin tucked me in bed with Dante and Kaos and took off outside. He wanted to let his wolf run, and I can't blame him. Though, I did ask Reed to keep an eye on him just in case. This whole multi-mate thing really does have its perks.

Elian grips me by the waist and pulls me to him instead of letting me walk past him. His erection presses against my belly, and I let out a small gasp. He leans in, brushing my hair aside to whisper, "Next time, I want to watch."

I'm so flabbergasted it takes me a moment to get my bearings. By then, Elian is already gone, walking into the living room like he's not sporting a massive erection. Although, I guess that will happen a lot around here, so they better get used to it.

The seating area, which I totally overlooked last night, is quite small. There are only five seats, but Elian chooses to be the wallflower and stand like usual anyway. I plop down in between Vin and Dante on the sofa. Reed and Kaos are in armchairs across from us and Hemsworth struts in from outside and lays at my feet. Kaos, Dante, and I are chilling in sleep clothes whereas Reed is dressed, and Elian is in his leather jacket and jeans. Vin is shirtless but wearing a nice pair of jeans.

Reed clears his throat and leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. He steeples his fingers and, with his three-quarter length sleeves, it really highlights the veins in his toned forearms. Am I attracted to that?

The longer I stare the more I think I am. Plus, I'mdyingto get him in bed.

Reed quirks an eyebrow at me, and I don’t miss the heat flashing in his eyes. Dammit. Forgot he’s a mind reader again. That is going to take some getting used to.

At least he doesn't call me on it out loud, though I'm sure the others notice our exchange. Man, when did I become so horny? I've always had quite the appetite, but Vin and I went three rounds in the shower last night, I almost jumped Dante and Kaos in bed this morning, Elian made me weak in the knees with his voyeuristic promise, and now I'm ready to head to hanky-panky town with Reed too.

"It's natural, Love," Reed tells me, responding to my thoughts. "Your body knows it has five of us to keep up with." He winks, and I stick my tongue out at him all super mature-like. Vin and Dante put a hand on me like they can’t stand not to and it’s totally fine with me.

“If you say so, Red.” I shoot him a wink. “Now let's get down to business, shall we?”

"You're the boss."Damn right I am.

“Don’t tell her that,” Hemsworth pipes up from his spot beside us. “It’ll go straight to her head.”

“I’d love to give her head,” Dante says with a husky chuckle.

Okay, so maybe I’m not the only one feeling the pull.

Vin shakes his head at our antics. “I would love to hear what happened while I was, uh… down.” I appreciate him not saying dead, as it’s still a fresh wound. “I’m a little confused on where this Triad thing came from,” he says.