Page 20 of Called By Fate


Once my speech is over with, the whole crowd is buzzing, waiting for us to take them to the safe haven. We return to where Matilda is standing, and I swear I see a spark of pride in her eyes, but if it was there, it’s gone in a flash.

Without warning, she throws her hands up in the air, conjuring a ball of light between her palms. She lets the power grow and grow until she considers it big enough and throws it beside her. It takes the form of a mesmerizing, swirling gold portal straight out of a freaking movie or video game.

The color is so distracting that I almost miss what she says. "It'll take a minute to get it ready for everyone to pass through," she tells me. "While I’m making it larger, feed your power into the ward. The Elders are… close."

Her warning isn’t necessary, though. A sick feeling settles in my stomach, setting my intuition ablaze. A shock wave rolls through me, and I fall to my knees from the force of it. Vinson is the closest one to me and is by my side a split second later. He asks me something, but I can't seem to hear him. The only thing I can focus on is the ever-growing nauseating feeling that something is wrong.

Chaos erupts around me as everyone jumps into action. Matilda works her hands faster, feeding the portal. Alpha Darren starts barking orders to Carter, who runs off toward the women and children.

My mates circle me as another wave hits me. "I'm fine," I grit through clenched teeth. I feel like a damn live wire getting ready to blow. They’re close.

"It's the ward," Elian declares to the others, his voice breaking through the fog. "She helped me strengthen it and now it's feeding off her to keep them out."

"How can we help her?" Reed asks.

He shakes his head. "We need to get her out of here. It's only going to continue to get worse the longer they try to get in."

"Matilda," Reed calls out. "I need you to hurry up!"

"What do you think I’m doing, boy, frying an egg over here? I am hurrying!" she sasses back.

If my brain wasn't foggy as hell, I might laugh at their banter.

The Elders batter against the ward again and the force undulates through me. Honestly, I'd be surprised if my hair wasn't flying in fifty different directions, like when you touch one of those static electricity balls.

“I've got it!” Matilda shouts. “Everyone, get throughnow!"

Reed grabs my elbow to help me from the ground and starts to shuffle us toward the portal, but I dig my heels in to stop him. "No, everyone else goes first!" I shout.

"Absolutely not," Elian snaps. "You are the main target."

"If we go through first that leaves the ward unpowered. The Elders will annihilate them. I'm not leaving them to get slaughtered." He grits his teeth and Reed stops tugging on my arm. "Go, help the others get through."

Adam steps up to my side with Nick and Niall not far behind him. “Stay with your mate,” Adam tells my Circle. “We'll help the shifters get through.” Then the trio takes off to do just that. I watch as they simultaneously work as a team to keep everyone moving in an organized fashion. With six people going through the portal at the same time, thankfully, it doesn't take long to get them to the safe haven.

Another shock wave breaks through me, and this time it renders a scream from my throat. Everything about the magic feels wrong. Vile. Evil.

They’re here.

My fears are confirmed when I find the Elders standing in front of me with my Uncle Mickey in tow. The guys are facing me, so they haven't seen them yet. The assault on the ward is over, but I’m still nauseated by the sight of them and from the power they used to break in. I watch as their stupid cloaks billow in the unseen breeze behind them. I wish this were a superhero movie where they’d get sucked into a jet engine. It sure would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

"They're here," I tell my mates hoarsely, locking eyes with Reginald. That fucker stabbed my mate. A red haze descends on my vision and all I can think about is stabbing him in the heart then ripping it out and doing it over and over again. The shadows start rising off me like steam, sensing my need for vengeance.

He smiles and it’s that same bone-chilling sort of smile from the first time we met. "Hello again, Mercedes." His eyes flick to my left where Vinson is standing, and his smile dissipates. "How? How is he alive?" he demands like a child throwing a tantrum.

"You know, you assholes are really starting to get on my nerves. Get fucked, Reginald."

My uncle snorts. "She always did have quite the temper. It was so fun punishing her for it. You know, I could’ve reanimated him for you if you really wanted him back that badly." His words are nothing more than cruel taunts, and I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing his words strike me.

Instead, I flash him a sickly-sweet smile, teeth and all, wishing they were sharp like Keros’. "Don't worry, Uncle Mickey. You can get fucked too. You always were such a piece of shit. It’s no wonder you’ve teamed up with the fucked-up threesome. What I still don’t understand is why? What use are you to them?"

Vald steps forward like he's going to be the peacemaker. Yeah, like I’m buying that. How stupid do they think I am? "Must we fight like this?” he asks. “You know what to do to make all this go away, Mercedes. Say you'll bow to us and no one else will get hurt."

I snort. "That's the thing. You hurt people every day, and I won't stand for it any longer." I chance a glance at Matilda and the portal, which is about ten steps away. The Elders are about twenty. All the shifters have made it through safely, minus Alpha Darren and Carter. The two of them alongside Emma and the trio are going through now so that will only leave Matilda, me, and my Sworn.

It'll be close, but I think we all can make it.